Gerald's Game

Gerald  Picture

On a warm weekday in October, Jessie and Gerald Burlingame are alone in the bedroom of their Maine summer house, playing a game that isn't listed in Hoyle's. But suddenly, as Jessie hears the click of the second handcuff locking her to the bedposts and sees her husband looming over her, a nerve snap of recognition tells her that this time Gerald is playing for keeps. Giving up control is scary enought; it is terrifying when there is no one left to give it to.

Except that Jessie is not alone. Over the next twenty-eight hours, trapped in a lake-side house that has become a prison, Jessie will come face-to-face with all the things she has ever feared, and the unlatched back door banging fretfully in the breeze is an open invitation to horrors she has never imagined. Inside the darkening bedroom, shadows gather in mute menace, while inside Jessie's head a taunting chorus of voices whispers and shrieks: "Women alone in the dark are like open doors...and if they cry our for help, who knows what dread things may answer?"

Published by Viking, 1992
Dedication: This book is dedicated, with love and admiration, to six good women: Margaret Spruce Morehouse, Anne Spruce Labree, Catherine Spruce Graves, Tabitha Spruce King, Stephanie Spruce Leonard, Marcella Spruce.
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