Favorite Sites On The World Wide Web:

There are many wonderful places to visit on the World Wide Web. I would like to share some of my favorites with you...

My online "home" is in GeoCities. I live in Athens/Acropolis/9627. I think it is a really kewl, really wonderful place; an enchanting neighborhood. You might want to check it for vacancies. I get free e-mail and get a chance to meet with my neighbors and have neighborhood discussions.

My home on IRC is the Efnet visionary channel, #G.O.L.D.. Anyone who wishes to join us there for philosophy and spiritual/metaphysical sharing is welcome. We would love to have your input, if you so desire to join us. We have Energy Workshops every Tuesday at 9pm PST. Please feel free to come and meet my friends. Some friends and I have worked hard over the past year to develop #G.O.L.D. We are a group of visionaries, who see past all the problems of the world today and have a firm belief in the creation of a wonderful world that we all will share in the future. Most of the #G.O.L.D. regulars are psychic, para-normal, intuitive, empathic, and seekers of Divine Truth. We have discussions on a wide variety of topics, from Freudian psychology to coming earth changes. Feel free to come by for a visit any time.

I am also deeply involved in some planetary issues, which you can read about on the C.O.N.E home page. One of my favorite places to visit is the web page of the C.O.N.E. project. CONE, an acronym that was coined last year, stands for Colonies Of the New Earth. We talk of coming earth changes and many prophecies of old that are being fulfilled today. CONE is interested in providing guidelines for the building of intentional communities and making preparations for the transition the earth is going through.

A wonderful site that is mainly concerned with the healing of this planet, and our future on it, is the Green Planet online information services. This weekly newsletter is put out for the benefit of all those who are aware of the problems that the earth is currently facing. We are trying to introduce some basic solutions for those who are interested. I have recently begun writing an herbal column for this site. It is called "Herbs of The Earth". Take a look...you might find some useful herbal information there.

If you are interested in learning about Reiki, knowing more about past lives, or have an interest in those who have lived on other planets, take a look at Lightbird's home page.

The "Search for Center" web site is a beautiful site establish by wunjo. This is a place where you can submit your thoughts and feelings for inclusion in the newsletter. It is a community effort, so take a look and tell us what your thoughts are. Drop in any time at wunjo's page.

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