Problems with FTP?

FTP is a method of transferring files from one system to another. The actual definition of "FTP" is "File Transfer Protocol." I know that many people have trouble using the Geocities EZ Upload Utility, so the opt for the FTP method, instead. Unfortunately with FTP there are often many questions, perplexions, and misunderstandings. This page is designed to help eliminate FTP problems.

What kind of FTP software is good to use? Geocities suggests using WS FTP. Download the FTP program from this link; it is in a zip file form and it takes up 667k, zipped.

I suggest two other programs, however. The first is my favourite: Crystal FTP. Crystal FTP is very easy to use with self-explanatory instructions. The site from which I just posted contains a download spot for Crystal FTP and a set of instructions especially for Crystal FTP.

Another wonderful FTP program is RFtp. RFtp is even simpler to use than Crystal FTP. One difference between the two programs, however, is that Crystal FTP offers the opportunity for multiple connections, while RFtp just has a single connection capability.

Alright, this does nothing to help you figure out how the heck to use FTP! Your FTP program will ask you for an FTP address. What you will need for this is . If you are using Netscape Communiticator or Netscape 3.0 FTP software, you will have to use for the address .

Next you will have to fill in a User name, or a log-in name, or something equivalent to these. The name you must put into this box is your Geocities membername. (If your membername is anathia, you will use anathia.) Remember, all Geocities member names are case-sensitive, so you will have to use the membername as you would logging into Geocities.

The password you must use to FTP your files is you standard Geocities password. The FTP program will request your password. Just use the Geocities password, and once again remember that the passwords are also case-sensitive and you must list the password as you would when operating in Geocities.

Alright, time to transfer your files!

Are they done transferring?

Okay! Now you want to look at them? Simply type in the address of the file you want to access. For instance if you want to acess something called "cat.html" type in your homestead address, and then put cat.html at the end of it, like this:

You should be able to view your page!

Something you need to remember about Geocities: You always need an index.html page if you want people to view your site as they would view a normal website. You also must have an accurate address in order to view any of your uploaded files.

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