Social Studies 11 OnLine

with Mr. Mleziva

Summary of the Treaty of Versailles

A) German Territorial Losses (see map)

- 10% of its population

- large areas of valuable and strategically important territory including Alsace-Loraine (to France) containing industry and minerals, the Saar (to the League of Nations)containing coal, North Sleswig (to Denmark), West Prussia (to Poland), and newly formed Czechoslovakia gained some German territory

- overseas colonies were distributed to Belgium, Britain, France, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, and Japan

B) German Military Strength

- the German air force to be disbanded

- the German army and navy to be reduced in size; tanks and submarines banned

- Germany was never to build fortifications on the Rhine

C) Reparations

- 6 600 000 000 British pounds (i.e. over $13 billion Canadian)

- the surrender of the merchant navy to Britain

- large quantities of coal to France

- cattle to Belgium

D) The War Guilt Clause

"The Allied and Associated Governments affirm and Germany accepts the responsibility of Germany and her allies for causing all the loss and damage to which the Allied and Associated Governments and their nations have been subjected as a consequence of the war imposed upon them by the aggression of Germany and her allies".

E) The League of Nations

Following Wilson's 14th point - a group of countries joined together to make decisions to preserve peace.

Note: Both Germany and Russia were originally excluded and the USA refused to join.

F) Other Treaties (see map)

- Austria-Hungary was divided into two landlocked countries - Austria and Hungary

- Yugoslavia was formed from southern Slavs in Hungary and Serbia

- Rumania was enlarged

- Czechoslovakia was formed

- Poland was formed

- Finland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania were granted independence

- Turkey lost: Palestine (now Israel) to Britain, Syria to France, and Iraq (became independent)

G) The International Court

First founded in 1900. In 1922, it received a permanent home in The Hague and settled 70 cases and 400 treaties between 1922 and 1939.




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