Social Studies 11 Online

with Mr. Mleziva

Why Was WW I so Destructive?

# of soldiers mobilized: approx. 65 million
# of soldiers killed: approx. 8 million
# of soldiers wounded: approx. 21 million
# of civilians killed: approx. 6.7 million

- more major military technological innovations occurred during WW I than in any previous war in history

reconnaissance and fighter aircraft
poison gas (i.e. chlorine)*
machine gun
electronic communications (i.e. field telephones and radios)
flame throwers
high explosive shells

*Note: The Geneva Protocol of 1925 (international agreement) bans the use of poison gas in warfare

- trench warfare

- the area between the two sides' trenches was known as "No Man's Land"; littered with mines and barbed wire

- life in the trenches was extremely difficult with trench foot, rats, and disease

- with both sides entrenched, WW I became a war of attrition with both sides trying to gradually wear each other down to the point of surrender


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