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Empowering Teachers to Teach

With Technology

...A Thesis Topic in partial fulfillment of a Master's Degree by Janine Scott

Confused? Click here to see what the technology specialist/directory does..."

Preface | Chapter1-Introduction
Chapter 2-History | Chapter 3- Tradition vs. Reform
Chapter 4-Federal, State, Local | Chapter 5-Technology Plans
Chapter 6 Teacher Training and Administrative Support | Chapter 7-Summary
Appendix A-Definitions | Appendix B - Tech Plan Shell
Appendix C-This is it! | References
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About Janine back to index

Chapter 1


Oakland University-Rochester Hills, Michigan Library: sources: Waldo
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Chapter 2


Educational Technology- Background-history History of Ed. Tech
Mark Twain Quote
Nathaniel Hawthorn's work - See "House of the Seven Gables", then go to ch. 17
O'neil's Interview with Stoll
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Chapter 3

Tradition vs Reform

Dealing with Reform

Report to the President, Congressional Office of Technology Assessment
Technology Reform - High School
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Chapter 4

Federal, State, Local

Technology Challenge Literacy Fund:
Technology Literacy Challenge fund
Technology literacy challenge fund Goals 2000 explained:
Goals 2000
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Chapter 5

Technology Plans:

National Plan for Technology in Education NatTechPlan- Getting America's Students Ready for the 21st Century: Meeting the Technology Literacy Challenge -
tlcfgrants - Michigan Technology Literacy" School Tech Plans - General
Larry Anderson's Tech Plan Page
Federal Governments Ideas on Tech Plans
Many high School's Plan
NcrTech's Guide
Technology Coordinators Resources
Santa Teresa Tech Plan

Mission Statements

Articles to read:
Mission statements
The Vision/Mission statements
Stephen Covey's 7 habits of highly effective people

Budget and Investment Ideas

Leadership and the New Technologies
Investing in Technology
How they Allegedly Manage the Federal Budget

Acceptable/Ethical Use Clauses

Acceptable and ethical Use Clauses
Kathy Schrocks site

For Great ideas for needs

Assessment and Surveys

An Educator's Guide to Evaluating the Use of Technology in Schools and Classrooms - December 1998 Appendix C - Examples of Technology Surveys

-Curriculum Planning with Technology

Technology Curriculum
More curriculum - Vocational

The Infrastructure -

Getting the Equipment In!

Buying Software Buying Hardware Upgrading/Maintaining EGGHEAD
Compaq Works-great deals on new and returned Compaq
Microsoft educational discounts for education
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Chapter 6

The Players

Teacher Resources:

More Ideas - Stebbins
Technology Curriculum Resource
More Ideas
NCATE Standards by the AECT

Professional/Staff Development

Professional/Staff Development Sites Staff Professional Development -Pepperdine
ODU pro dev.
QrO pro dev

Teacher certification, preservice information preservice, richardson, portfolios

The Journal Magazine back to index

Chapter 7- Summary

Other Sites Used in the paper: for School Leaders and Technologists
Leadership and the New Technologies
History of Ed. Tech
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Jobs in Education

Ferris Job site
Jobs at Colleges throughout the US
The computer training network
Educational Job Sites
Teaching Jobs Links
National Education Network
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Appendix A


Get Any definition here
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Appendix B

The Original Many H.S. Tech Plan
Technology Shell (Based on Many H.S.)
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References in Alpha Order:

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