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Hellas is one of the geographical regions in Dawn of Atlantis™.  It is based on ancient Greece, and will retain many of that culture's historical features, including its religion, art, politics, and so on.

Following is a "Creation Myth" for at least one tribe of Hellenes.


ut of Chaos, the Supreme Creator forged Gaia, who is Earth; Ouranos, who is the Heavens; Helios, who is the Sun; and Okeanos, who is the Waters; there followed Hades, Lord of the Underworld, and next was Hera, Love.  But Creation was without form, until Zeus was made and Order was imposed over all.  And then the Creator rested.

This was the First Genesis.

From Okeanos, Zeus created Pontos, Rain; Nereus, Rivers; and Poseidon, Oceans; and from Gaia he made Kore, Nature.  He then arranged the Waters on the Earth, wrapped her in the Heavens, and placed the Sun in its proper place in the Heavens. His work done, he slept.

Hera, seeing he was alone – and she being alone – slipped into his bed; from this First Union was born the Divine Twins: Aphrodite, Beauty, and Athena, Knowledge.   From the Sacred Union of Gaia and Ouranos was born Aeolus, the Winds, and likewise Phoebe, the Moon, was born of Ouranos and Hera.  When Helios met Hera, Eos, Light was made, and when Gaia visited the realm of Hades, so arose Erebos, the Darkness.

Thus ended the Second Genesis.

Then, when some of the Children of the Second Genesis met, they were overcome by Hera; from the Blessed Unions of Pontos and Kore came Persephone, who was Fertility and female, while at the same time Pan, male Fertility, was born of Nereus and Kore.  Kore, who was wanton, then had union with Aeolus, and thus were born Iapetus, Storms, and Demeter, the Seasons.  She then has consort with Athena, and begat Artemis, who made all the Animals in Creation.

The gods were satisfied with their creations, especially the Supreme Creator, who was pleased with all the Children of Genesis.

But before long Persephone and Pan had unlawful knowledge of one another, and from this Lawless Union the first Humans were born.

The Supreme Creator was outraged by this transgression, and ordered the abominations be destroyed.  But their Divine Ancestors, recognizing them as noble animals, were intrigued by these new beings, and so they defied the Creator and gave them gifts instead.

First, Pontos, Nereus, and Poseidon, being the eldest, together gave them Strength and Courage.  Kore, seeing that they were still not as strong as many of her child Artemis’s Animals, gave them Stealth, so that her child’s creatures might not harm them.  Athena then gave them Tools with which to use these first gifts, while Aphrodite gave them Arts, with which to temper them.  Phoebe gave them Astronomy, so, like her, they would know their place in the Heavens.  Eos, seeing that they were naked and hairless, and unlike other Animals could not see well when she slept, stole for them from her grandfather the Sun a lock of his hair, so they might see and keep warm, and also cook their food, so that they would be further elevated above all other Animals.   Aeolus promised to blow the Humans Luck, so they might find fortune in their new world, and even Artemis, recognizing the superiority of this new creation over her own, gave the Humans Husbandry, by which certain of her creatures might serve the noble animals.

Finally the Humans’ parents bestowed upon them Mysticism, so they might recognize and pay homage to all their Ancestors.

All except Erebos; he alone obeyed the Supreme Creator and sent them Death.

Seeing all this, the Creator was very angry; but, since the Creator had not the power to take the gifts away, instead punished the Children by forbidding them contact with the infant noble animals.  All except Erebos and Eos.  For her act of thievery Eos was banished to the Underworld, and thus her brother Erebos was allowed dominance over Creation to do evil in the world.

But after a time, taking pity on the noble animals, and seeing how the other Children loved them and mourned their loss, the Creator relented and changed Death into Plague, and restored Humans and their Divine Ancestors to Creation.  Even so the Creator forbade the Children any direct contact with Humans, who must now and forever communicate only through avatars.

As further punishment, from the Animals the Creator took Speech and gave it instead to the Humans, and so this is why Humans speak and Animals do not.  Eos was then allowed to look upon Creation for part of each day, while the rest was given over to Erebos.   And this is why, having spent so much time alone with Darkness, with no Light to find their way, it is hard for Humans to resist the evil ones, even in the light of day.

And having known Death, the noble animals would now not be able to dismiss him from the world, nor would they ever be safe from Erebos, who will keep trying to send all of Creation back into Chaos – because that is what he believes has been decreed by the Creator.

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Nations of Hellas


This section gives a very brief summary of the Player-Nations of the realm of Hellas, including a sampling of a few of their starting locations or "sites", and the main features of same.  Please note that the geographical locations of these sites are not intended to be wholly accurate, either currently or historically.  (Remember that DoA is set 20,000 years ago, before the end of the last Ice Age when much of the Mediterranean basin is assumed to be above present sea level, and also that these sites generally represent a much larger area than their actual locations.)

The Nations of Hellas are for now divided into seven tribal regions or provinces, each of which will start the game in a more or less random site in their respective region.  The nations, with a general description of the geography of their starting territory, follow:


The Arcadians are children of Hephaistos, whom has given them the skill to build a great nation of skilled craftsmen and politicians.  The region of central and western Peloponnese (modern Peloponnesus) in the south of Hellas is their territory.


On the River Peneus in northwestern Peloponnese is a site that would support a centre of moderate size, balancing military, magical, and spiritual energies in relative equality.  In addition, its olive groves are amongst the finest in the world.


As its name implies, this site in central Arcadia could sustain a huge population, or perhaps its vast resources of game, grain, timber, grapes, olives, and stone could be used elsewhere to support a large empire or as exports abroad.


In the valley of the River Alpheus southeast of Elis is a site of great spiritual energy that would undoubtedly prove ideal for the location of a major festival of some sorts honouring one or more of the Hellenic deities.


Located on the northern frontier of Arcadia, on a fertile plain not far from the sea, Patrae awaits development into a medium-sized source of game, grain, and other foodstuff.

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From a starting location of the eastern Peloponnese, with Zeus’ gifts the Argossians will have the opportunity to extend their cultural and political influence over the entire world.


Situated at the mouth of a river valley as it empties into the Gulf of Argolis, along with its strategic importance Argos holds vast riches in fish, grain and other foodstuffs, as well as clay and even some stone and timber; in short, nearly everything needed to sustain a large population.


The hills of Epidauros hold game, grapes, and olives, as well as moderate magical and spiritual power for whomsoever discovers and exploits them.


In the hills just north of Argos lies a site of great military and religious power, with large resources of wood and stone, acres of olive groves, and quite possibly the largest vineyards in the known world.


On the Argossian coast southeast of Epidauros is a quiet harbour with magical and spiritual significance, offering a modest bounty of fish and other resources.

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Athena has given her children the Atticans the knowledge to build a society based on science and ordered government, from a base including the area of what is now referred to as the Isthmus of Corinth.


The site of ancient (and modern) Athens provides a great bounty from the sea and surrounding plains, in the form of spiritual energy, grain, fish, and game; a fortified religious centre could be built there.


While the Gulf of Corinth is not nearly as large as it might someday become, it still provides for a strategic population centre on the sea, with some of the richest clay soil in Hellas, wild game, and grains.


In a valley offering the easiest route along at least three directions, Plataea is ideally situated to command the main travel and trade routes between Boeotia, Attica, and Argolis.  While it otherwise offers little in the way of resources, its military value is virtually unmatched.


Overlooking the sea on a small spit of land, Salamis is ideally sited to control the Gulf of Attica while providing a small deep water port to inland areas of Attica and Argolis.

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The Boeotians {bee-oh'-shuns} are a semi-nomadic Greek culture, followers of Apollo, who are deeply spiritual and lovers of the arts: music, poetry, et al.  Their territory is north of Attica and the Gulf of Corinth, including Euboea, which is now the Island of Évia.


Located in river valley north of present day Athens, Chalcis provides a militarily strategic site with soil and climate well suited to grain crops.  With other requisites, it can support a moderately high population.


In a fertile valley below Mt. Parnassus, magical and spiritual energies combine in harmonic nature; a befitting people could channel and focus them to create a site of faith virtually unmatched in all the world.


The plains just south of Chalcis are lush with game and wild grains just waiting to be tamed into a bustling political and military centre.


Atop a series of low hills overlooking a river valley teeming with fish, wildlife, and other bounty, Thebes is well positioned to provide for a huge population of soldiers, priests, and sorcerors.

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Hekate has bestowed upon her children the Epeiroi the arts of war and magic, a potent combination.  Their territory is western Hellas, including what is now the Islands of Corfu (Corcyra), Lefkáda (Leucas), Itháki (Ithaca), Kefaloniá (Cephallenia), and Zákinthos (Zacynthus).


The military significance of a site at the swampy mouth of a mighty river, which happens to offer a perfect fording point for travellers north and south, is obvious, as will be a moderate abundance of game, grain, and other resources; what may not be readily apparent is its magical potency.


In the hills north of Actium lies Ambracia, awaiting development into a thriving centre for the study of magic.  Its resources of timber and game, not to mention precious copper, will no doubt also prove useful to an ambitious empire.


On a windy, rocky headland protecting a sheltered harbour lies a site of vast potential magic, as well as modest reserves of stone and other resources, including a useful substance called flint.


A long, narrow promontory of land piercing the sea north to south is bisected neatly in two by a pair of navigable rivers flowing from opposing steep hills; where these rivers not-quite meet and then part to flow their separate ways is a pastoral valley of unmatched military significance.

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Ares, the god of war, has granted his children the Laconians unmatched military genius along with a highly efficient political system.  They start with control of southern Peloponnese.


In the south of Laconia lies a plain not far from the sea that boasts a trove of resources such as game and grain which would support a military presence of some significance.


A harbour on the eastern shore of the Gulf of Laconia would support a modest fishing village or perhaps a monastery, or even a military stronghold -- perhaps even all three.


The southwestern shore of Laconia contains a large, perfectly sheltered harbour that would sustain a huge fishing fleet as well as a salt industry, not to mention the population to support a significant military presence.


Navigable for nearly its entire length, the River Eurotas would naturally have at least one ideal spot for a mighty, fortified city.   That place is at Sparta, where the river is most fordable east and west, and natural resources are in great variety, if not in quantity.

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The Minoans can use Hermes’ gifts to build a great, refined trading empire.   They start with a great advantage, isolated as they are on the Island of Kaphtor (now Crete).


Situated on the northwestern shore of Kaphtor is a peaceful, deep harbour with prime fishing grounds, as well as a few other resources including the invaluable purple dye, purpurea, obtained from a certain sea snail.


In the southern foothills of central Kaphtor, in a broad river valley, Gortyna's bounty of game, grapes, olives, and especially softwood and stone, awaits discovery and development.


High on a bluff overlooking the sea to the north, a magical, spiritual place with fields of grain, vineyards as far as the eye can see, and huge olive groves lies in suspended vitality.


Phaistos offers another deeply spritual and magical site, this time on a vast flood plain near the sea, with grain fields unmatched on the island, and clay deposits suitable for decorated pottery for which the Minoans might someday become famous.

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