The Dance-Away Zone!

A Former Member's Critical Perspectives on the International Churches of Christ

"All a man's ways seem right to him, but the Lord weighs the heart." -- Proverbs 4:1

Close Encounters

This section of The Dance-Away Zone! houses the accounts of those who were recruited by the ICoC but chose not to join, as well as the stories of other outside observers who feel that their experience with the ICoC can offer valuable insight into the group's standard operating procedure.

The great thing about these accounts is that many of these folks encountered the ICoC at a time when they had no prior prejudices in place toward the ICoC, yet were still able to gather that the ICoC isn't a healthy place to be, spiritually and/or emotionally.

(Note: these are archival - I am not accepting new items for this section at this time.) If you have a story to tell about your brush with the ICoC and would like to give account of it here, please send me an email in which you tell me what happened with you and the ICoC. Use the title "Close Encounters" for the subject line. To give me permission to reprint your story here, please begin your account with a sentence something like this: "I hereby give my permission for this account to be published on The Dance-Away Zone."

I will allow some pseudonyms in your narrative, if you prefer. Pseudonyms are used at the author's discretion or the webmistress' discretion and are marked with asterisks (*). Typically, you may use a pseudonym for yourself, and it's suggested that you use pseudonyms when discussing other "rank-and-file" ICoC members. Real names of leaders in the ICoC with whom you were involved should definitely be mentioned, though - both for the sake of accountability on the part of those leaders, and for the sake of helping to validate your story overall.

April 1999:
Bev Adams' Letter: A mom whose daughter is an ICoC member chose to intervene recently, and she provides an accounting of that intervention here. This concerned mom also asks some very pointed questions of Kip McKean and those responsible for directing the ICoC.

March 1999:
Diane (Location Not Divulged): "Friendship" used as a recruiting tactic.

February 1999:
Jennifer* (San Francisco Bay Area): Jennifer* and her husband were "met" in a Lamaze class...


Brian (Massachusetts): Like many others, Brian found both good and evil in the ICoC...then, the evil started to outweigh the good.

Jeff (North Carolina): A day of "fun" revealed a lot about the ICoC to this NC State student...

Mike* (Los Angeles, CA metro area): A very detailed account of what happened when Mike's live-in girlfriend was recruited by the ICoC. *RECOMMENDED!*

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