The Dance-Away Zone!

A Past Member's Critical Perspective of the International Churches of Christ


(In Summer 2007, I learned that Kip McKean seems to be calling his latest venture "The Portland Movement," based at the Portland International Church of Christ in Portland, Oregon. Some people never learn. :-P )

This site concerns Kip McKean's "International Churches of Christ" (ICoC), also known during the 1980's as "The Boston Movement." The ICoC is alleged to be a coercive and manipulative group.

Among other purposes, this site represents a CALL TO ACCOUNTABILITY AND RESPONSIBILITY concerning abusive practices on the part of those who direct the ICoC, whether it's on a worldwide or local level.

The ICoC is a sect which was, basically, born of the mainline churches of Christ, which have their roots in Stone and Campbell's Restoration Movement. However, the ICoC of today should not be confused with the mainline churches of Christ (a.k.a., the "traditional" churches of Christ), as these two groups have disassociated themselves from each other. The Crossroads Movement, which is one of the ICoC's predecessor groups, has also disassociated itself from the Boston Movement/ICoC.

To review a detailed and history of the International Churches of Christ/Boston Movement - one that, I feel, is free of bias - I recommend this link.

I put up my first website about the Boston Movement/International Churches of Christ in 1997. My first site was called "Postcards from the Edge," and I have edited both the design and the content of this site a number of times since then, as my outlook and approach to the ICoC changed. At first, I was dealing with some pretty raw emotions, having left the ICoC three years earlier (1994) and having STUFFED all my feelings about the volume and variety of Stupid Pet Tricks I had to perform in order to continue being a part of this questionable religious group. Though I have been able to put the experience into perspective and move on in so many wonderful ways, I came to believe that taking down this website would serve no good purpose. I cannot in good conscience let other people walk blindly into a situation with the ICoC, like I did. So, the site is still here. If you are needing any sort of assistance in regard to the ICoC, please contact the folks at REVEAL. They are the best! :-)

I don't claim to be perfect and I don't claim to have all the answers - I believe that each person must seek out his/her own answers. I merely offer my perspective for your consideration, and I don't condemn anyone to Hell for not adopting my viewpoint. The consequences which arise from the actions you commit or omit can teach you the rightness or wrongness of your actions far better than my words can.

I thank you for stopping by and hope your visit to The Dance-Away Zone! is enlightening and informative.

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