. Publications

I. Books Published
How To Read A Difficult Book: A Beginner's Guide To the Art of Philosophical Reading
American Maritain Association Publications, 1999, 109 pp.
Synopsis: Bad reading habits, not lack of intelligence, make many books difficult to read.  This book gives a step-by-step guide to eliminate these bad habits.  It can make almost anyone of average intelligence a better reader and learner. This book gives you tools to improve your: reading, writing, reasoning, and comprehension. While this work is difficult, I have made every effort to simply its contents.  Primarily, I have written this work for classroom use, with a teacher's help.  But I have also organized it for use in seminar discussions and personal study.
Contents: Acknowledgments. Forward. Introduction. ONE Learning, Tools, Books and  Philosophical Reading. TWO The Skill of Philosophical Reading. THREE General Kinds of Books and Kinds of Reading.  FOUR Philosophical Reading and Definitions.  FIVE Three Rules for "Philosophically Reading" any Book. SIX A Book's General Outline. SEVEN Philosophically Reading Theoretical Matters. EIGHT Philosophically Reading Matters of Measurement. NINE Philosophically Reading Practical Matters. TEN Philosophically Reading Matters of Imaginable Experience. ELEVEN Philosophically Reading Mixed Matters. Conclusion. Questions for Study and Discussion. Notes. 
Available for purchase directly from the author, click here to email the author.

Masquerade of the Dream Walkers: Prophetic Theology from the Cartesians to Hegel
Amsterdam/Atlanta, GA 1998, XV, 331 pp. (Value Inquiry Book Series [VIBS] 73)
ISBN: 90-420-0991-5 (Paperback) ISBN: 90-420-0402-9 (Cloth) 
"A blockbuster!"
-Professor Gerald J. Galgan, St. Francis College
"Filled with erudition, comprehension, and provocative analysis."
-Herbert I. London, President, Hudson Institute, 
and Olin Professor of Humanities, NYU
Synopsis: Through extensive textual analysis, this book concludes that the prevailing opinion about the nature of modern and contemporary philosophy is wrong. It maintains that almost all modern and contemporary philosophy is deconstructed, secularized, Augustinian theology, not philosophy. It concludes that a lack of philosophical and historical experience, coupled with a widespread inability to read philosophical texts according to the intention of the author (1) causes us to mistake secularized theology for philosophy and (2) is a main cause of the decline of contemporary universities.
Contents: Forward by Herbert I. London. Preface. Acknowledgments. ONE Protagoras Sees the Ghost of Hippo. TWO I Feel the Spirit Move Me. THREE The Urge to Emerge.  FOUR To Dream the Impossible Dream.  FIVE Wake Up, Wake Up You Sleepyhead. SIX I Am Music. SEVEN Looking for God in All the Wrong Places. EIGHT Dirty Dancing: Higher Education as Enlightened Swindling. Notes. Bibliography. About the Author. Index.
.Click here for availability & prices at amazon.com.

Wisdom's Odyssey from Philosophy to Transcendental Sophistry
Amsterdam/Atlanta, GA 1997, XVI, 271 pp. (Value Inquiry Book Series [VIBS] 46)
ISBN: 90-420-0180-1 (Paperback) ISBN: 90-420-0205-0 (Cloth) 
"A daring reappraisal of the history of philosophy."
-Curtis L. Hancock, President, American Maritain Association,
and Joseph M. Freeman Chair of Philosophy, Rockhurst College
Synopsis: This book establishes that the ancient Greeks had a prevailing method of doing philosophy which was rooted in philosophical realism. Through extensive historical and philosophical analysis, it demonstrates that this method was challenged in ancient times by an apocryphal notion of philosophy which eventually became confused with philosophical reasoning, and was passed on to posterity through the work of Christian theologians until it was called into question by leading thinkers of the thirteenth century. It shows how this thirteenth-century challenge influenced the growth of the Renaissance humanist movement and how this movement, in turn, passed on to modernity the same apocryphal notion of philosophy as a rhetorical theology of allegorical prefiguration.
Contents: Forward by Curtis L. Hancock. Acknowledgments. Preface.  ONE Descent from Olympus. TWO Athens meets Jerusalem. THREE Handmaiden to Musaeus: Philosophy in the Service of Christian Humanism. FOUR Hidden Behind the Glass Darkly. FIVE Broken Mirrors and Priestly Images. SIX Searching for Teiresias: The Trivium Overthrown. SEVEN The System Meets the Book of Nature.  Notes. Bibliography. About the Author. Index.
.Click here for availability & prices at amazon.com.

Cartesian Nightmare: An Introduction to Transcendental Sophistry
Amsterdam/Atlanta, GA 1997, XIV, 187 pp. (Value Inquiry Book Series [VIBS] 41)
ISBN: 90-420-0142-9 (Paperback) ISBN: 90-420-0144-5 (Cloth) 
"Redpath's case is of great importance, compelling attention by its urgency."
-Elfie Raymond, Joseph Campbell Chair in Humanities, Sarah Lawrence College
"An abundantly referenced and brilliant interpretation."
-Professor Robert Ginsberg, VIBS Executive Editor
Synopsis: Today, a common presumption exists among professional philosophers that Rene Descartes was a philosopher, and is the Father of Modern Philosophy. This book initiates a challenge to this presumption based mainly upon textual analysis of Descartes' Discourse on Method and his Meditations on First Philosophy. This book contends that, strictly speaking, Descartes did not initiate a new way of doing philosophy.  It argues that the historical roots of Cartesian though lie in the Renaissance humanist tradition, in rhetoric.  I maintain that Descartes inaugurated a new type of a new sophistry, Transcendental Sophistry, synthesized mainly from Renaissance humanism and Christian theology, especially the theology of creation. 
Contents: Acknowledgments. Editorial Forward by Robert Ginsberg. Preface. ONE Simulacra. TWO The Hidden System Revealed. THREE In Search of the Golden Fleece: Walking Alone and in the Shadows. FOUR Oh, Yes, I'm the Great Pretender. FIVE The Epic Begins: Protagoras Redivivus. SIX From Golden Fleece to Minotaur. Notes. Bibliography. About the Author. Index.
.Click here for availability & prices at amazon.com.

The Moral Wisdom of St. Thomas
University Press of America, MD 1982, 216 pp. 
ISBN: 0-8191-3145-8 (Paperback) ISBN: 0-8191-3144-X (Cloth)
.Click here for availability & prices at amazon.com.

A Simplified Introduction To The Wisdom of St. Thomas
University Press of America, MD 1980, 170 pp. 
ISBN: 0-8191-1059-0 (Paperback) ISBN: 0-8191-1058-2 (Cloth)
Contents: Acknowledgments. Preface. Introduction. PART ONE The Universe of St. Thomas. I A Brief Biography. II Philosophy and Theology. III St. Thomas and Aristotle. IV The Thomistic Transformation. PART TWO The Nature of Man. I Man as Incarnate Spirit. II Degrees of Personal Life. III. Freedom and Responsibility. PART THREE God. I The Possibility of Proving God's Existence. II Proving God's Existence. Conclusion. Questions for Study and Discussion. Notes. Select Bibliography.
.Click here for availability & prices at amazon.com.

Edited Works:

Aristotelian-Thomistic Philosophy of Measure and the International System of Units (SI): Correlation of International System of Units with the Philosophy of Aristotle and St. Thomas
Author: Charles Bonaventure Crowley, O.P.
Editor: Peter A. Redpath
University Press of America, MD 1996, 264 pp. 
ISBN: 0-7618-0401-3 (Paperback) 
Contents: Dedication. Editor's Prescript. Author's Preface. Acknowledgments. Author's Introduction. ONE The Various Kinds of One Leading to Knowing What One Is. TWO The Nature of One. THREE The Quantity in Which the One That is a Measure is First Found. FOUR Transference of the Notion of One as a Measure. FIVE What is Common in All Measuring: Indivisibility. SIX The Properties of a Unit Measure. SEVEN Summary. COMMENTARY: I Base Unit For Mass. II Base Unit For Length. III Base Unit For Length. IV The Liter. V Time. VI Force. VII. Electricity. VIII The SI Unit for Luminous Intensity: The Candela. IX Supplementary Units: Unit Measure of Angles and Plane Angles. X The SI Unit For Temperature. XI The SI Unit For Amount of Substance: The Mole. Conclusion. Appendix. Index of Names.
.Click here for availability & prices at amazon.com.

From Twilight To Dawn: The Cultural Vision of Jacques Maritain
American Maritain Association Publications, distributed by University of Notre Dame Press
IN, 1990, 311 pp.
Editor: Peter A. Redpath
ISBN: 0-268-00979-1 (Paperback)
Over fifty years ago, Jacques Maritain, one of the foremost intellectuals of the twentieth century, addressed the issue of the roots of the decline of Western culture.  Confronted by the moral monstrosity of Nazi Germany and the weakness of vision in Western democracies, Maritain assessed the problem of the decline of Western Culture to be based upon a distorted and disintegrated understanding of human nature.  In a now famous work, The Twilight of Civilization, Maritain argued for a reformation in Western education which would incorporate principles necessary for the survival and flourishing of Western democracies.  In October, 1989, members of the American Maritain Association met in San Francisco to discuss the cultural vision of Jacques Maritain as displayed in The Twilight of Civilization. The contents of From Twilight To Dawn: The Cultural Vision of Jacques Maritain edited by Peter A. Redpath express the important ideas that developed at this meeting.
Contents: Acknowledgments. Contributors: D. T. Asselin, William J. Boyle, William Bush, Joseph J. Califano, Bernard Doering, John M. Dunaway, Donald A. Gallagher, Curtis L. Hancock, John Hellman, Deal W. Hudson, Robert E. Lauder, Matthew J. Mancini, Ralph McInerny, Ralph Nelson, Charles P. O'Donnell, Peter A. Redpath, Robert Royal, James V. Schall, S.J., Judith D. Suther, John G. Trapani, Jr. Select Bibliography. Index.
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