My Spell Page


This page is for some of the spells I use and have written, or have found in books and re-done them to suit my needs. If it is one I have found in a book that I re-wrote, it will be noted where I found the original. I don't have too many here yet, but I will be adding to this page as much as I can. Please be sure to check back often.


  • LOVE


    Here is a spell and powder ( I got the powder idea from Silver Ravenwolf's book "To Light a Sacred Flame" �, though the ingredients are my own) I have developed for combating( and I do consider it combat, I am scared to death of bad weather) really bad thunderstorms that have the potential for tornadoes. These don't stop the rain, just tame the storm a bit.


    For this powder, you will need light blue talc, Mugwort, St. John's wort, Male Fern, salt,and sage. Cleanse and consecrate all items, including the jar you will be storing it in. With a mortar and pestle, grind each herbs slowly, first widdershins to dispel all excess energies not associated with the weather working, then deosil to empower the herbs with weather working (ie. to dispel excess energy in a storm without stopping the rain from falling).

    Once you have all the herbs ground well, mix them together, stirring deosil, joining their energies as one, to work together to ease the storm. Hold the blue talc in both hands, and visualize it as the element of air until it glows in your hands. Once you feel it has been charged all it can be, mix the herbs with it, and as you blend them together, empower the whole mixture with the power of going forth, up into the storm and easing it's fury.

    When you use this powder( and it shouldn't be everytime it rains a little, only if the weather is getting very horrid out) you should hold some in your power hand tightly until you feel it pulse in your palm and get hot/warm/tingley. As you hold it in your hand repeat over and over that you wish it to ease the storm, put not stop the rain, that no harm should come to any this night/day. Use your own words. It works better when you do. After you have repeated this and the powder is ready, go out into the storm (be sure to put on rubber soled shoes) and starting in the direction the storm is coming from, say" I charge thee powder go forth from me, the fury of the storm thou are to ease", then gently blow some of the powder in that direction. Do this until you make the full circle, reciting and blowing the powder to each direction. When you are done, you should have a small amount left in your hand. Hold your hand in front of you and again recite the evocation, and ask Spirit/God/dess to take the powder to the storm and help you in your quest.

    You should store the powder in an air tight container,shaking it occasionally to keep it from clumping up, on your altar/house shrine or some other sacred space you have.

    Weather Chant

    This is a chant I have used quite often (being I live in Iowa) and it works very well, especially if you are scared to death and have alot of will put into it. Just repeat this (from a safe place like a basement or closet) until you are either tired out, your mouth hurts, or the danger is past.

    Weather, weather, Harken to me!
    Go away and leave me be!
    Rain will fall, and wind will blow!
    But no tornadoes will you show!

    I used this chant 3 times in one night this past spring because there were tornado warnings issued and they were coming in my direction. Funny thing happened...everyone of those tornadoes dissappeared back into the clouds with no damage to any property and no one got hurt.

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    These are a few prosperity spells I use regularly. The cooking with intent I use every day, and since I started doing it, my finacial situation has greatly improved.

    Cooking With Intent

    Cooking with intent is very simple. When you start to prepare your food, as you cut it, wash it, what ever, cleanse it by saying you cast out from this food all negativity and elementals. As you cook it, stir it deosil and thank the creatures who have lived, toiled, and died to give themselves to you as food, and ask that they may nourish your body so that you in turn may nourish life. As you add your seasoning to the food, state what each herb is for, ie: salt for consecration and cleansing, pepper to ward away negativity,garlic and onion for health, ect. You can also add parsley to your food to bring prosperity to you. I use dried flakes, and before I add them I hold it in my hand, crush it 3 times, and say "I cast out all negativity and elemental energy from thee" each time I crush it. When I add it to the food, I ask that it bring prosperity to me, that I may always have enough of what I need to survive, and a little bit more. It has been working wonderfully for me. Parsley can be added to almost all food, and besides, it gives dull looking dishes a bit of color.

    Gris-Gris for Prosperity

    A Gris-Gris (pronounced gree-gree) is what we call a charm bag in Louisiana. They are made out of the same things as regular charm bags, and can be used for many different reasons. This one is for prosperity.

    What you need:
    a square piece of cloth green in color
    7 grains of rice died green
    7 cloves
    1 tonka bean or red bean(kidney bean)
    1 almond in it's shell
    1 pecan in it's shell
    7 inch long green ribbon or small cord or string

    What you do:

    Cleanse and consecrate everything first. You will impowering each item as follows:
    rice-prosperity and aundance
    cloves-banish and keep away negativity
    tonka or red bean-fertility in all your money making endeavors
    almond-plenty and luck
    peacan-plenty and luck
    green ribbon-to bind the magick to you
    green cloth-to attract good luck and prosperity to you

    After you empower each item, add each one to the center of the green cloth, stating as you add it what it is for. Pull the corners of the cloth together and twist it shut, then take the ribbon and tie it once on the cloth to hold it shut. Turn the ribbon ends so that you tie the next knot on the opposite side, and continue until you have 7 knots tied in the ribbon. Charge the whole bag with energies of luck and prosperity, blending it with the energies already present in the ingredients. Carry this bag with you every where you go, including work, and fun outtings. It will help opportunities to present themselves to you.

    Another good way to draw prosperity to you is to give to others, whether it is a food donation to your local food bank, a homeless shelter, or other charity, clothing to charity rummage sales, or money to those in need. The three-fold law applies to everything in life, including generousity. You will get back three times what you give, eventually, and it usually ends up being when you need it most.

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    Healing spells can be tricky at times. Alot depends on the person and their personal "vibes" with certain herbs and plants. If a person is allergic to garlic or onion, you wouldn't want to use this in a sachet or Gris-Gris to heal them, since the person and the herbs don't get along. I find healing magicks to work best if a poppet, candle, or/and something of that person's is used, like hair or nail clippings, a favorite possesion, or a picture of the person. Color also plays a very important role in healing magicks. Choosing the right color for the situation can make or break a spell. Below I have listed a color correspondence list that I use. You may need to adjust colors to suit the person. If a person hates purple, you shouldn't use a purple candle or poppet to heal them. It will act against them, and in effect, make the situaton worse. If all else fails, use the person's favorite color. Color magicks are never set in stone, and no two people will ever feel exactly the same way about a particular color.

    Color Correspondences for Healing

    White-general purpose healing or for the influence of Divinity
    Blue-aura healing and alignment
    Red-for healing emotional or fertility problems; female complaints; healing and recovery after surgeries; blood disorders, anemia, HIV
    Purple-spiritual healing after a loss or during times of grief
    Yellow-depressions, especially Seasonal Affected Depressions (winter blues)
    Green-depressions related to money or financial losses; grounds hate and discord; healing for sick house plants
    Black- for severe depressions or anxieties brought on by other's negativity or a hex; for unexplained tiredness/lethargy (usually this is caused by a "critter" who has wandered in)

    I can't really suggest any actual healing spells, since each person must be considered as an individual case. It is always best to trust your gut instincts and do what feels right. If you are not sure what you should do, then ask God/dess/Spirit for guidance, and They will help you. In the case of critters causing the illness, you should do a ritual cleansing of the person and the place where they reside, setting up barriers against the things getting back in. You should also make a protection Gris-Gris for the person to keep on them for one moon cycle, that will absorb all the negative energy. At the end of the moon cycle, the Gris-Gris should be thrown by the person into a moving body of water with the intention of also throwing away the critter, who should be bound to the charm.

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  • LOVE

    This may not be exactly what some of you were expecting to see. Love spells should be for loving yourself. Once you love your self, then ,and only then, will someone be able to love you. Know thyself first, then seek to know another. Below is a spell/ritual for you that will help you to learn to accept all the not so good things about yourself and aid you in tossing them out. It will also help you to focus on the wonderful things about yourself, and help you to see that you are a special person.

    What you need:

    a black pen
    a red or green pen
    a quiet place where you will not be disturbed
    a small fire-proof dish or cauldron (a small BBQ pit will also work so long as you are outdoors)

    What to do:

    Sit in your quiet place, and take the paper and the black pen and write a list of all the things you think are not so good about yourself. Be honest with yourself about what you think are your personal flaws. After you have written these down, look the list over. Meditate on each thing you have written. Think about if it is something you dislike, or that other people dislike. If it something that others dislike, think about why. Is it because you don't fit in? Or it isn't what the in crowd does? If so take it off the list. You must always be yourself and an individual. I learned that the hard way. Self-fulfillment only comes from being true to yourself.

    If it is something that you don't like about yourself, ask yourself is it something you can change? I don't mean hair or skin, but personality or attitude. If you can change these things, great. If you can get rid of them, all the better. If you can't , you can work on these flaws.

    Now take your list and rewrite it, with only the things YOU don't like about yourself. Set it aside for now. Get another sheet of paper and in red (fertility) or green (fertility and growth) write a list of all the things you DO like about yourself. Make sure you include everything, down to the smallest detail. After you are done, hold the list and read it over, until you feel that you have written al that you like about yourself. If you remember another, write it down.

    When you are done, light a small fire (or use a black candle) with the matches (brimstone for banishing). Hold the list of the flaws in both hands, and ask the Lord and Lady to help you banish these from your life. ASk for help to become the person you wish to be, and to learn to love yourself, even though you can't rid yourself of all your flaws.

    Meditaite on the flaws for a few minutes more, and then when you feel that they are all out in the open, project their energy into the paper. Do this until you feel that you have rid yourself of all their energy, or all of it that you could. When you are done, hold the paper over the flame and ask the fire elementals (how ever you percieve them to be)to cleanse and purge these flaws from your life, just as it turns the paper to ash to become someting new. Touch the paper to the flame, and watch it burn . Invision the flaws being devoured by the flames, and disappearing. When the paper is well on it's way, place it in the dish and watch it until it stops burning. Hold that visualazation until the flame is out completely. Take the ashes and hold them in your power hand. Ask the wind to carry the ashes away and any traces left of the flaws. Blow half of them gently from your hand, and FEEL the flaws moving out and away from you. Take the other half and scatter it in a moving body of water. Ask the water to carry the flaws far away from you and to cleanse the energy of the flaws, and make them into something positive.

    Take your other list and read over it again. Ponder each good trait seperatley and feel the wonderfulness of each one. Think on how each one makes you special. Ask the Lord and Lady to help you build upon these good traits, and improve on them, to become an even better person than you are now. Feel the love inside yourself come forth and embrace it. Feel the love of the things that are good within you. Now feel this love as Love of Yourself. Enfold yourself in it. When you are glowing inside with love, take the paper and bury it in the Earth, asking Earth to hold these things to Her breast as She does you. Ask Her to make these things grow, like tree does when planted with in Her soil, and to help them blossom inside of you.

    Go inside now and take a ritual bath or shower. AS you do, feel the old "skin" sliding off of you and running down the drain. When ever you feel lost, or not sure of yourself, or just need an emotional lift, go back to where you planted your ggod points. Place both of your hands on the spot and draw up some of that energy that has been growing there. Thank the Earth when you are done, and if you like, you can leave a small offering there, or plant a tree or flower bed.

    Once you begin to love yourself, love will find you. It will not come until you are ready and able to truly accept it, and not doubt it's existance in any relationship you may have. And remember, it is usually when you stop searching so hard for it, that it finds you.

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    This is a fairly simple spell to do. All you need is yourself, an amulet or stone that can be worn on a chain or cord, and strong visualization skills. Sit in a quiet place, and begin by grounding and centering yourself. After you have done this, breathe deeply until you feel yourself slip down between Alpha and Beta states. Once there you will clear your mind of all negative thoughts and energies, and ground them as well, into the Earth, to be change into loving, positive energies.
    When you have completely purged yourself, begin to draw energy to you from the four directions. Form them into a shield of white/blue energies that surround you and protect you from any harmful influences. Hold this visualization in your mind and "see" it around you. As you hold this visualization, chant to yourself a string of protective words, that are easy to recall and won't tie your tongue in knots. Make something up, as the spell is strongest when it comes from within. Chant until you feel that you can no longer raise power, and that the shield is thick and about to burst.
    Now, what you need to do is direct the energy into the stone or amulet so that it is contained within it. As you direct the energy, visualize the stone or amulet pulsing with the protective energies, waiting for you to call upon them in times of need. After you have directed the energy into the stone or amulet, hold it in your power hand. Annoint it with the oil of your choice (myrrh is a good all purpose oil) and say "I seal within thee this protective power, to break forth and surround me in a needful hour."
    Wear this stone or amulet everwhere, and if you need protection grasp it in your power hand (if possible) and call upon the energies to surround you and protect you from harm. This doesn't replace good common sense. If you go looking for trouble, you will find it and no amount of magick is going to help you. This is merely a spell to aid in defense in unexpected circumstances, and should not be used when you are looking for a fight! The Lord and Lady know what you are up to at all times and will not allow you to carelessly use the gifts they give us, so don't say you haven't been warned!

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