Elena's Corner

This page is for spells, rituals, and what ever else my 13 year old sister, Elena, comes up with. She is just starting out and these are some of the things she has developed. I put them on my page because, 1) She doesn't know how to make her own page, and 2) One of our brothers is a wanna be hacker and she's scared he'll get into her page and tell our mother. So, her stuff is here for now, until I make her her own site.

Chant for Finding Lost Objects

Bound and Binding,
Binding Bound.
See the Sight,
Hear the Sound.
What was Lost,
Now is Found.
Bound and Binding,
Binding Bound.

Protection Gris-Gris

2 pieces of Yarn in either Purple or Burgundy
1 piece of Yarn in Green
Myrrh or another Protection Oil of your choice
Jasmine Incense
2 candles, either Purple or White, or both
Altar or Table
Fire Proof Dishes or Burners for the Candles and Incense
Time: Eve of the New Moon

Cleanse and consecrate all items. Cast your circle. Call what ever protective energies you need, and which ever Diety you wish. Light the 2 candles and place them in the dishes on the table or Altar. Light the incense and place it in a dish between the candles. Pick up the yarn and begin to braid it while asking the energies/Deiety you have called to weave protection into your life and the yarn. Concentrate on the things you wish to be protected from. Visualize the "dangers" being barred from you and your life. When you are done braiding the yarn, tie it off and annoint it with the oil. Hold it for a while in your hands, while saying prayers for protection and charging the braid with protective energies. Thank your energies/Dieties you have called, and release them. Close your circle. Let the candles and incense burn out, or put them out and save them for later to recharge the braided yarn. Keep the braid on you at all times.

Protection Blend

Bay Leaves
Time: Night

Cast your circle, call what ever energies/Diety you wish to use, and cleanse and comsecrate all items. In a bowl, mix all of the herbs together, saying what each one is for as you add it to the bowl (protection). Stir the herbs together, while visualizing protective energy flowing into the herbs. Hold the bowl in both hands and ask Diety/energies to lens thier strength and power to the mix to keep you safe from harm (or who ever it is for). Hold the bowl until you feel it is filled with Their power and Energy. Put the mix into a covered glass bottle or jar, to seal in the energy. Use as needed.

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