What Wicca Is and Isn't

This page is for explaining what Wicca is and isn't, and to hopefully dispel the myths and misconception that surround it.

What Wicca IS and Isn't...

Wicca is an Earth religion, modeled after the old Pagan belief systems of Europe. Earth Religions have been practiced in many forms since the Stone Age all over the world. Some cultures still practice the beliefs of their Ancestors, such as in Australia, South America, New Guinea, and some of the Polynesian Isles.

Wicca is based on Norse, Celtic, Germanic, and other Indo-European belief systems that were practiced until the Roman's introduced Christianity to the area. It was slowly stamped out by the Catholic Church over many centuries, which culminated in the Middle Ages during the Inquisitions. Many innocent people where tortured and murdered for their beliefs, as well as because of other people's greed, fear, hatred, and jealousy.

Contrary to popular belief, Witches do not worship Satan, or the Devil, and we do not cast hexes on people or their crops, animals, ect. These lies were perpetuated over the centuries by the Church to scare people into converting, and to scare those who would not convert into hiding so that the Old Religion of the area would die out and be forgotten. Our most basic tenant is "An ye harm none". We live by this code because we believe what you do in this life is returned to you three times over, whether it be good or bad. A good number of Wiccans also believe in an afterlife, which we call the Summerlands.

Wicca celebrates the seasons and cycles of life and the Earth. We see Divinity as being both Male and Female, as it takes both polarities to create life. We also believe that all things have inate energies in them, be it a tree, rock, flower, a piece of metal, whatever.

Spells are nothing more than a highly focused prayer for us, much like a Novena or Rosary is to Catholics. We just tend to do it with more energy and will. We use the natural energies of things to obtain that which we desire by manipulating them and sending the energy toward our goal. And yes, it does work. It is along the same lines as a faith healer works, moving energies toward the healing.

Wiccans are just like everyone else. We have families, friends, jobs, homes, bills, worries, joys, pain, sorrow, laughter, hope, dreams, ect. We are not evil, and we live everywhere. There may be one of us living down the block from you, or teaching your child in school. We are doctors, layers, teachers, nurses, laborers, bus drivers, police officers, mothers, fathers, grandparents. We are everywhere and do the same things as any one else.

Wicca Q & A

This section is for the commonly asked questions about Wicca. I answer these in my views only, as Wicca differs just as Christianity does, with many different traditions. Others in the Wiccan community may or may not agree with me, it all depends on what Tradition they follow.

Q: What is a Pentacle/Pentagram?

A: A Pentacle/Pentagram is a five pointed star, usually enclosed by a circle, which represents the five elements of life, Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit. It symbolizes man, and when enclosed in a circle it symbolizes man and Divinity as one.

Q: Is the "Horned God" the Devil?

A: No. It is a symbolic representation of the male aspect of Divinity. The male aspect of Divinity generally oversees the wildlife and woodland creatures, as well as hunting, and so was depicted as a Horned Man to symbolize the connection. The Catholic Church decide to say He was the Devil to disuade people from following Pagan Religions, and that is how the Devil got Horns and a Tail.

Q: Can Witches really fly on brooms and turn people into newts and other creatures?

A: NO! It is all folklore and myths. I wish I could fly on a broomstick. It would save on gas and cut down on getting stuck in traffic. :) As far as turning people into newts, not at all. People do that all by themselves. LOL

Q: Is a Sabbat a meeting with the Devil?

A: No. A Sabbat is one of the Eight High Holy days in the Wiccan year. They are celebrated to mark a turn in the cycle of life and the turning of the Earth. They coincide with first plantings, harvests, equinoxes and solstices. A full moon right is called an Esbat. Some covens celebrate Esbats on the New Moon.

Q: Is a coven always 13 witches?

A: No. Traditionally, this is the belief. Some covens still hold to this practice, but a coven can be any where from 3 to however many people are initiated into the coven.

Q: Do Witches make sacrifices of animals or people?

A: Absolutely not! The main tenant of most Traditions is "An ye harm none", which means do not hurt others (whether animal or human) . The only time this may be broken is in the preservtion of life, whether it be your own or another's. This does not mean we cannot hunt for food, or fight in our Military. It simply means that life taken for no other reason than to kill is a big no-no.

All writings here are my opinion only. The views on Witchcraft and Wicca differ from person to person, but these are the most commonly held beliefs amongst those who are of this Faith.

Created : 3/14/2000, Copyright � 2000, Jena Guidry

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