This page is for information regarding Domestic Abuse, Rape, Child Abuse, and Sexual Assualt, how to detect it, and how to seek help. I was once a victim of Attempted Raped and Domestic Assualt, and now try to help others who also suffer this horrible crime against them. No one should ever have to live in an abusive relationship, whether they are man or woman. Domestic violence, Rape, Child Abuse, and Sexual Assault occur in all walks of life, economic backgrounds, racial and religious backgrounds, no matter the sexual orientation. Domestic Abuse includes battering, emotional abuse, and mental/psychological abuse. Men are abused as well as women, and this page has listings for help sites and contacts for both genders. There is a links to sites that have what to look for when abuse is suspected. I hope this will help someone to help another, or help themself.

SAFE-Stop Abuse For Everyone / Domestic Violence Help For Abused and Battered Straight Men, Gay Men, and Lesbians
Listings of Domestic Violence Organizations (USA, Australia, Canada)
Listings of Domestic Violence Agencies(USA, State by State)
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (USA)
Pandora's Box-Child Sexual Abuse Information
A Place of Safety
AABL-Advocate for Abused and Battered Lesbians
Abuse and Domestic Violence Programs
Advocates Against Abuse and Battery
Child Abuse and Domestic Violence Information
Child Abuse and Domestic Violence Links
Children's Institute International
Domestic Abuse Center
Domestic Abuse Project
Domestic Violence- Suite 101
Domestic Violence and Incest Resource Centre
Domestic Violence Agencies
Domestic Violence and Rape Education
Kate's Essential Information on Assualt, Abuse, Rape, and Domestic Violence
Links to Elder Abuse Information
National Coalition for Domestic Abuse Awareness
Domestic Rights Programs for Fathers and Men
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