My Herbal Corner

This page is for some of the herbals I use. I make my own shampoos, body soaps, and herbal remedies for personal use. Before you try anything here, you should consult a licensed herbalist or your primary health care provider. Just because these work well for me without any side affects does not mean they will work the same for you. Use these at your own risk. Also, if you are pregnant or nursing, or have a child under 5, never use these at all unless it is okayed by your health care provider, and honey should never be given to a child under 1 year of age, due to the risk of contracting botulism if the honey has not been properly processed.



For these, you need a base of your regular shampoo and/or conditioner, and then add the following teas to the bottle, mixing well.

A)Normal to Oily Hair-make a strong tea with 1 tspn each of chamomile and rosemary to 1 cup of water, steep for 30 minutes, strain herbs out, and add 1/2 tspn of honey. Stir until honey is completely dissolved, then add half of the mixture to shampoo/conditioner, mixing well. Can be used daily. Avoid getting into eyes.

B)Normal to Dry Hair-make a strong tea from 1 1/2 tspn of chamomile and 1 cup of water, steeping for 30 minutes. Strain herbs out, then mix 1/2 tspn each of aloe and honey in, stir until both are dissolved. Add 1/2 of the mixture to shampoo/conditioner, mixing well. Can be used daily. Avoid getting into eyes.

C) For Promoting Growth-to either of the mixtures above, you can add Vitamin E to promote growth of your hair. Avoid getting into eyes.



For these, I recommend starting with a very gentle liquid soap as a base, such as baby bath. These can be used on the entire body. These are best when used with an efoliating body scrubby.


A)For Acne Prone Skin-make a strong tea from 1/2 tspn each of chamomile, mint, and rosemary, steeping for 30 minutes. Strain herbs out and add 1/2 tspn each of aloe, honey, and vitamin E, stirring until dissolved. Add to soap and mix well. Can be used daily. Avoid getting into eyes.

B)To Soften Skin-Add warmed aloe, honey, and Vitamin E (about 1/2 tspn each) to your soap, and mix well. Can be used daily. Avoid getting into eyes.


Facial Cleansers

These can be used daily to keep your skin clean and clear of oily build up and dead skin. You should, however, give your skin a break from it every week by skipping a day once a week. Avoid getting these in your eyes, because they sting like the dickens!


A)Oily Skin-make a tea from 1 tspn of FRESH parsley to 1 cup of water, steep on low heat for 10 minutes, strain herbs out, and let cool until warm. Gently efoliate your face with the tea using a soft cloth. When done, rinse your face with cool to slightly cold water. Pat dry.

B)Acne-make a tea from 1/2 tspn of, preferably fresh, thyme and 1/2 cup of water. Steep for 20 minutes, strain herbs out, and let cool until still very warm. Using a soft cloth, efoliate your face with the mixture, letting it stand on extremely troublesome areas for a minute or so. When finished, wash face off with cool to cold water. Pat dry.

C)Dry Skin-make a facial mask from 1/4 cup each of honey, aloe, and Vitamin E. Mix well, and apply it in gentle upward motions to your entire face, including your under eye area (avoid your eyes!). Let it stand until it begins to feel tight, then with a soft cloth, gently remove the mixture. Wash your face with a gentle, moisturizing soap and warm to cool water, and pat dry.


For more herbals, you can visit my other hompepage on Delphi!

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Created: 11/11/99 

Revised: 12/19/99 


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