My Web Designs and Graphics

This page is for backgrounds, a few sets, and some odds and ends that I have made on my computer using Paint Shop Pro 5. Some of these tile, but most do not. To view them as they would look on a webpage, just click on the image. Please feel free to use these on your sites, providing they are personal webpages and not commercial ones. All I ask is that you place a link back to my site on the page(s) you use my work, or if you have a page just for this, put one there and place a notice on your front page that this work is mine and copyrighted to me.

If you have a commercial site, feel free to contact me if you would like to use some of my designs, and we'll work something out.

To save these images, right click on them on and then click save as. Please do not link to this sight. It's bandwidth theft, and is illegal. Save these to your own server. :)

Thanks!! And enjoy!!



Set 1

Set 2

Feel free to use this button to link back to me or you can use one of my banners found on the Pagan Homepages page.:)

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