This page is a listing of some of the many Pagan/Wiccan organizations on the Web. Some of these are e-mail list-serves, others are actual groups that meet in real life. If you have a group, or know of one, send me the information, and I will list you here.

"Come out! Come out! Where ever you are!"

-This is a large group with thousands of members throughout the USA, that has a list-serve and also helps fight Discrimination against Witches/Pagans/Minority Religions. There is a membership fee to join, but this Group has been around for many years and is very well known.

-This is another relious freedoms group. There is an e-mail list as well as a chat list, and you can become a member of the organization.

- This group has message boards and chats for Pagan/Wiccan from every walk of life, including Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual, Military, Solitary, Teens, and Parents.

- This site has message boards, information, coven and local Pagan location lists, as well as a newsletter and listings on local events.

This is another organization that helps to fight discrimination and to dispel the myths about Paganism.

Open Hearth Foundation is an organization for education and tolerance of all faiths. There are message boards, links to Pagan Publications, and listings of sacred lands, and much more.

This is a Forum on Delphi that has message boards and a chat room that is open almost every evening by 6 PM Central Time Zone. It's a great place to chat and joke, as well as learn something new. It is hosted by Nightstar, who is a wonderful, sweet woman, and a dear friend.

Pendragon's Lair- This is another Delphi Forum of a good friend where Pagans can go to chat, read messages and post discussions, and have lots of fun doing it!! Pendragon is a wonderful guy, and his Assistant Moderators are as well!

This site is for all Big Beautiful Pagans to get together and network with one another! The owner, Xena, is starting a mailing list, a webring, and a links program. Stop in and see her page!

WWPC (World Wide Pagan Community)-This is an e-mail list serve that anyone, anywhere who is a Pagan/Wiccan can join. The only requirement is that you fill out a New Member Survey. It is a great list, and I enjoy it alot!

Tri-State Pagans-This is a list-serve and real life group serving the Iowa-Illinois-Wisconsin tri-state area. We meet once a month to have a face to face chat somewhere locally.

IPAN(Iowa Pagan Access Network)-This is a group in South-eastern Iowa that has meetings and a list-serve. They also hold workshops and group rituals.

Spiraling Shadows/Wicca Works-This is a list-serve group that has 3 different list you can join. The main page also has lots of information on local gatherings.

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� 2000, Jena Guidry
Created: 01/03/00
Revised: 01/12/00

If you have a link you would like me to add to this page, one you want removed, or if there is a dead link, please e-mail me.

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