Religious Freedoms

Let's Break TheThat Bind Us!!

This page is for discussing Religious Freedoms and what it means, not only for the country, but for each individual who is a citizen of this country.


As the law stands now, a child under the age of 18 cannot chose his or her own religion. A parent has the right to tell their child what and how they may believe and worship. This I see as a problem. Not just because it takes away a child's right to choose and believe what they feel, but because it also makes the child feel as though they are bad and evil to believe something that is different. In my opinion this law should be changed. At the age of 14,most children have enough common sense to know what they feel is right and what is wrong. If children are taught of all faiths from early on, tolerance of others would prevail among them, and less violence and peer harrassment would occur. This would create better adjusted young adults, who in turn would not be as likely to strike out in fear and violence at others. People wonder why kids today are becoming so out of control. It is because they feel they have no choices in their lives, and so they fight back against what is deemed to be the power that holds them back. By giving these young people more of a choice in what they can believe in and do, we give them some of that control, and loosen those leashes that society places on them. This gives them a sense of responsibility, and in turn makes the act more mature and in accordance with what society deems appropriate.

The idea of responsibility for ones own actions is something that seems to have been lost as of late. Kids today see it as a line that is just thrown at them when they are not given a chance to prove that they can make responsible and adult choices with their lives. By giving these young adults the "choice" of what they believe, we give them a sense of being in charge of their lives. This also makes them realize that they alone are responsible for how they live and act. By doing this we can better enable them to grow into caring, responsible, and law abiding citizens, who are less prone to violence against society. The Freedom to "choose" is a right we all have, so shouldn't our children be afforded the same? If this is what you also believe, write to your elected officials and tell them. If the Federal Government is told that this is what the People of this Nation want, then they are more likely to change the law. If you are under 18 years old, talk to your parents, or write to your Representives. Or start a petition. Just because you are not old enough to vote yet does not mean that they won't listen to you. You are still a citizen of this country and still entitled to speak your mind.


What is Religious Freedom? Depending on who you ask, it can be the right to believe as you wish, do what you wish, and act as you wish regardless of the law, and say it is religion, or others might say it is the right to practice their religion openly without the fear of discrimination. Others still may say it is simply the right to choose what religion they wish to be. I personally feel that religious freedom is the right to choose your faith, believe in what you feel is right and true, without fear of discrimination, regardless of your age, but within the prevailing law of the land, without criminal activity being perpetrated by those practicing their religion. By this I mean, if someone wants to be a Satanist, then they can be, so long as no human sacrifice is commited, and no one should tell them they are bad or wrong. The same goes for Christians, no one should tell them their beliefs are wrong or dumb, and that their belief is false. We all want to be treated fairly. To be treated fairly, you must also treat others fairly. No one can say that their beliefs are right and another person's is wrong. Each individual has their own set of truths and no two people will believe in exactly the same way.

Almost everyone says they wish for World Peace, but continue to add to the strife by bickering and arguing over Religion. As a whole, Religion has been the main cause of War and Fighting all over the World for at least the past 1300 years. People fear what they do not understand, or that which is different than what they have been told is true their entire life. Everyone thinks that what they believe is right. And it is. But they do not realize that it is only right for them. The only right and true religion is the one which you believe, and it is only that for you. Take ten different people, give them the same passage from the Bible and ask them what it means. Each one will tell you something slightly different, even though they may all be Christians of the same Faith. Each person must find how they relate to Divinity in their own way. It is different for each person. Just because someone is a different Faith than you does not mean that they are bad or evil.

I was raised a Catholic, went to Catechism and Catholic School, and was repeated in trouble for asking questions that the Priests and Nuns could not answer. I was always told not to question God. In general, Christianity never made much sense to me. It could not explain why I saw and dreamed things I did, or why certain bad things happened to me. When ever something bad happened to me, I was always told it was "God's will" and nothing more. I was never told "why" it was God's will. I do believe that Jesus was a real person, and a very wise one. He taught that the way to Peace was to Love Thy Neighbor. Unfortunatly, through the centuries, this message was perverted by those in power, be it religious leaders or rulers of countries, to suit their needs at the time. What Jesus taught has been perverted to "Love Thy Neighbor, but only if they believe the same as you". It says in the Bible somewhere, I forget where exactly, that two of Jesus' apostles came to Him one day and told Him of their stopping a man from preaching because he was not of their Faith. Jesus told them that they shouldn't have done this, because "Those who are not against us, are for us". To me this means that if you preach of love and peace, harmony and kindness, and are a good person, then you are following what Jesus taught, no matter your Faith. I was once told by a friens, who was Pentacostal, that to be a true Christian is to live a Christ-like life, being a good person and lovinf your fellow man. I still to this day believe that statement to be the truest I have ever heard on what makes a person a human being. It has nothing to do with what you believe, but everything to do with how you treat others.

When I found Wicca, or rather it found me, I began to gain a new and deeper insight to life and why those "bad" things happened to me. I also realized that to change any single thing in my past would change who I am today, and I love who I am today. Through Wicca, I have cleansed myself of racial hatred, fear of others, bigotry, and a mass of other horrible traits. I found love of myself and my fellow man, forgiveness of those who have hurt me, and a caring inside me that makes me reach out to others in need, no matter their race, religion, sex, sexual preference, ect. I see the wonder in all of our diversity now, and embrace it instead of fearing it or hating what is strange or different. I have been able to learn from different cultures and teach of mine. I have more tolerance for ignorance based on blind allegence to something without examining the facts and try to help those who suffer from this see that their are many ways to Divinity, not just one. I now speak out when I see a wrong or injustice instead of hiding and ignoring it. I now am able to state my beliefs in public and openly without fear in my heart of being ridiculed. I have become the person I never thought I could be. And best of all, I no longer fear Death. I know that there is a new beginning when I live this world for the next, and that I will be rejoined with all of my family and friends who have gone before me. I just don't want to go any tme soon, as I still have a bit more I would like to accomplish in this world before I pass to the Summerlands. But I know it is there waiting for me. Life does not end at Death, but a new one begins. The energy that is our soul does not disappear, for energy cannot be destroyed, only changed to something else.

When all people can look upon one another and rejoice in our differences, we will have obtained that which is most precious : The Gift of Love of All Mankind and Peace. This is what I wish in this world for all of our children and grandchildren, and all the future generations to come. This can only be obtained by sloughing off the dead outer layer of hate that man has wrapped hmself in for centuries. Education is the key to this. By working toward an openess of our beliefs, all beliefs, we can and will forge a bridge between all of the Earth's children, and finally allow Harmony to prevail. Acceptance comes through understanding, and Understanding is through education. Let us all do our part to promote an end to falsehoods about every faith, by asking others of other faiths what it is they believe, and answering those who question us. When the lies and myths are gone, then true Freedom of Religion will be given to us all.

A Different Way to View the World

If we could shrink the earth�s population to a village of precisely 100 people, with all the existing human ratios remaining the same, it would look like something like the following.

There would be:

57 Asians
21 Europeans
14 from the Western Hemisphere, both north and south
8 Africans
52 would be female
48 would be male
70 would be nonwhite
30 would be white
70 would be non-Christian
30 would be Christian
89 would be heterosexual
11 would be homosexual
6 people would possess 59% of the entire world�s
wealth and all 6 would be from the United States
80 would live in substandard housing
70 would be unable to read
50 would suffer from malnutrition
1 would be near death; 1 would be near birth
1 (yes, only 1) would have a college education
1 would own a computer

When one considers our world from such a compressed perspective, the need for both acceptance, understanding and education becomes glaringly apparent.�

Phillip M Harter, MD, FACEP
Stanford University, School of Medicine

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Created: 11/27/99
Revised: 01/17/00

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