One Pagan Elder's View on Sex, Monogamy, and Polyamory

This was posted to an E-list by one of the Pennsylvania Pagan Elders, and was sent to me by a friend who lives there. I thought it was a wonderful expression of what everyone tries to say, but yet , can't find the words. I hope that you read this with an open mind and heart. I thank Ord for allowing me to post his words here. This is HIS work, and all copyrights remain his.



Didn't know it to respond to these post or not. Might help to have some clear definitions. These words are often loaded with deep emotional messages and the possibility for misunderstandings is great. Sex for many of us is a very spiritual experience. Like most spiritual experiences they are extremely personal. Language is rarely adequate (at least in my hands) to communicate spiritual experiences and ideas. Frequently our attempts lessen the experience. This may be the reason so many of us paint, sculpt, do photography, write, or play music. Some of us need alternative ways of expressing who we are spiritually who we are sexually. Today is my 52 birthday. More than 35 of these years have been spent exploring the advantages and disadvantages of monogamy and polyamory. As in the Tarot, I started out as the fool. "0" Thirty five years of exploring, experimenting, studying, living, learning, and experiencing has returned me to the place I started. Back to "0". I am the Fool again. It has been said too often, that the more we learn the more we realize how little we know. This could not be more true in this area of our lives. We are each so very different, so very unique, in many ways. Not only are we all different, we are all in a state of constant change. Some so slowly, we can barely see it, like the hands of a clock. Others so rapidly, we can barely seem them as they fly by like an arrow. What is right for one is by no means right, if even an option, for another. Even within a given individual what is right for them will vary over time. So our quest is to only determine what is right for ourselves right now, in the moment. This answer has to come from within. Religion, books, friends, classes, experiences, values, traditions, all play a role but, the bottom line is the answers are within us. Very important to remember these are "our" answers. They are for us alone. They are not the answers for anyone but us!. We read posts that remind us of high school and frat type sexual humor. It can be quite funny. Too much of anything becomes an irritant. Suspect most high school kids don't get laid by acting like highschool kids. Suspect no adults do. Freedom of Religion means just that. Freedom of any religion. When anyone infers or suggest in anyway that to be truly PAGAN, WITCH, Magickian, that one has to run around naked and have sex with THEM, is not honoring. Not honoring of the Divine, not honoring of each other, and not honoring of themselves. These days sex has gotten more complicated than it used to be. Seems like it might be desirable to really focus on having Sacred Sex. Sacred sex means different things to each of us. Some of the underlying principles include Hierto gamos. (Please for give my nongreek spelling.) A union of the Divine Female/Male energies uniting (Gay, Lesbian, and Bi brothers and sisters please substitute your own choice of words.) This Divine union can take many forms, is done in many ways, and is experienced differently in different cultures but the common thread is to include the spirit in the union, Okay, it seems like we are off subject here but it is not completely the case.

If we want sex to be sacred sex. Do we find it in monogamy? Do we find it in Polyamory? These answers will determine for us, right now, is this our right choice for us, at this place, at this time. Growing up in the sixty's gave me a wide range of experience. Was in Haight-Ashbury San Francisco in the late sixty's. Experimented with alter states, and with a wide variety of relationship forms. Tried group marriages, open relationships, communes, and various assortment of "alternative life style choices." Lived in Los Angeles and San Francisco during the early seventy's and explored the "human growth potential" at Sandstone, Eslean Institute, Big Sur, and other safe havens for exploration. Raised on the Utopian Novels of the time including Heinlein's STRANGE NEW LAND, Huxly's BRAVE NEW WORLD, and Robert Rimmer's PROPOSITION 31 and the HARRAD EXPERIMENT. We tried groups of two, three, four and more. At one point we had sixteen of us living on a farm commune during the "back to the land" movement. Robert Rimmer came to visit us at Sandstone, but he felt we had taken it too far. He did a very convincing job of suggesting a family unit of six adults. Within a six adult family unit it is likely; There is enough joint income to live well. Domestic responsibilities becoming minimal. Child care enriches the children and eliminates the need for day care. It provides significant opportunities for continuing education. (Some one can stay home with the children and then return to grad school, when it was someone elses turn.) Plenty of opportunity for obtaining and supplying each others needs, within the family unit. Did these experiments work? Depends on how you grade. If you use the outdated yard stick, did it last forever. Not with these particular groups, but we were very happy for several years. We experienced love, joy, and learned lessons of who and what we are today. We believed that all we needed was love. We learned we needed more than that. There are groups that have continued for years. Church of All Worlds (CAW) (visit their web site.) They are the people who publish Green Egg. They have been involved with several groups that have lasted for years. They were very early in organizing a structure around these groups and early to bring spirituality to the center of these groups. Church Of All Worlds is very active socially, politically, and spiritually in our community. I am so sorry Had too much caffine and birthdays cause me to become reflective. Hit the delete key if you want, but should be getting to the point if there is one some time soon. Today there are many pagan spiritual traditions and groups that utilize some form of Sacred Sex, Tantra, Love Magick, Sex Magick, or other form of ritualized sex in the practice. Many of these practices can be done with the self defined limites of monogamy. Sometimes, in some traditions, it is not. Often these are "secrets" of the tradition. Not secrets to lure any unsuspecting initiates but for many other reasons including misunderstandings by outsiders. Look at the outsiders view of Christians eating the flesh of Jesus and drinking his blood. The point is that it is NOT a requirement of most traditions. People who practice them are not trying to convert you. They have found that sexual energy can be very powerful, extremely bonding, and very magickal in many different ways. Many people who practice these paths who are otherwise monogamous don't consider acts of sacred sex unfaithful. Many pagans find the middle ground of shared intimacy, and sensuality, without ever becoming sexual. In our community nudity, touch, intimacy dosen't mean sex! When two people make love particularly when they have sacred sex, the union is so complete that the two become as one. So when they separate the parting can be quite painful. Once we completely join with another in the sexual act part of us with go with them always as will part of them will be with us. There is much to be said for Monogamy. It is a path that most of us feel the most comfortable with. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this choice and much right with it. Don't allow anyone to even suggest that you are in anyway not Pagan, witch, magickian enough because of your choice. There is nothing wrong with Polyamory. With love, trust, sensitivity, it can be a extremely rewarding path for some of us who chose a path less traveled. The bottom line (I really promise to finish soon, I want to ride my bike and go for ice cream and cake.) It is OK! OK to be monogamist OK to be Poly OK to be Gay, Lesbian, Bi, Straight, Asexual, OK to be different OK to follow our own path OK to run naked OK to keep our cloths on OK to make our own choices with out being judged for when, particularly in this community. These are choices we all have to make for ourselves. Choices for this point in time only. For tomorrow we will be different. Be careful what Chalice you say you will not drink from. For tomorrow you may find yourself thirsting for its contents. In love and trust ORD

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