Stones and Their Uses

I have listed here some of the more common stones used in magick and what their most common properties are. I have some with pictues, some with out, but hope to soon have all of them with! Just bear with me until I beat my scanner into submission! LOL

Agate w/Fossils-increases wealth, prosperity charms

Amethyst- spiritual development,balances aura, spiriual protection

Aquamarine- water, cleansing of emotions, clears the mind, cools tempers and emotions, brings hope

Agate Geode- psychic powers, spirit world

Amethystine Agate- change, motion, astral travel

Aventurine- movement, growth in life

Agate- good luck, small gifts and pleasures

Amber- protection, spirit world, past, good luck

Beryl- psychic abilities, divination

Chalcedony- depression, wards of evil and negative powers, good luck

Brown Jasper- body, health, Gaia's Powers, earth energies, Earth

Bloodstone-strength, victory, relieves depression

Blue Laced Agate- femininity, softens emotions

Botswana Agate-brings gifts and small pleasures

Cat's Eye wards off evil, invisibility, protection from sorcery and evil

Citrine- inspiration and intuition

Coral- evil spirits, nightmares, night boogies, wards away accidents, attracts love

Carnelian- good luck, courage, fertility, health

Carbuncle- wealth, power, wards off nightmares

Diamond- eternal ties, wealth, indominatable strenght

Emerald- divination, dreams, visions

Flourite- psychic awareness, cosmic understanding, meditation

Garnet- spiritual protection, protection from evil, heightens sexual awareness, fertility, virility, psychic sensitivity, meditations, wards off nightmares and night boogies, protection when traveling, good health, success, attracts sexual love and soul mates

Gold Tiger's Eye- protection, weather

Granite-solidity, strength, endurance, steadfastness

Hyacinth Zircon- eases pain in childbirth, protection from supernatural forces

Hematite- destiny, spirituality, grounding, meditation, centering

Kyanite- healing, spirituality, grounding, meditation, centering, balancing chakras, energy working

Iron Pyrite(Fool's Gold)- see deceptions and misunderstandings

Iron- protection from sorcery, evil, and negative energies when sleeping

Jet- 1

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