Odd Thoughts and Other Strange Workings of My Mind

This page is for all of the strange "THOUGHTS" (LOL) that pop into my head. My mind has a tendency to wander into some odd places sometimes. I hope these make you think, laugh, and ponder at the strangeness in life.

1) When Witches were hunted down and persecuted in the 1500-1700's a coven was said to contain 13 members, 12 under witches and 1 head witch or a minor Demon or the Devil. Didn't Jesus Christ have 12 Apostles that followed him? By my count, that totals 13, too!!

2) Where did all the stuff for the "big Bang" come from that scientist keep talking about? It could'nt just have been there?

3) If the universe is still expanding, like the scientist say it is, what is it expanding into? A science teacher I had in high school answered me by saying a void. I replied a void is nothing and something can't go into nothing. He then told me to "Shut Up!!!!". HHHMMMMMMM.........Popular Science didn't answer me, either.

4) What happens when a "black Hole" gets full? It can't indefinitely suck in matter. Popular Science didn't answer this one either. Makes you wonder, don't it?

5) Why does mankind think we are the only "INTELLEGENT" life in the universe? Actually, we are the dumbest on this planet. We are the only species to wantonly seek out and kill our own kind for no other reasons than GREED, HATRED, and FEAR.

6) Why do men give their wives, girlfriends, or whatever they want to call their female companions, chocolate on Valentines Day? It has been scientifically proven that when a woman eats chocolate, it cause the body to release hormones that are released after orgasm and she feels satisfied. This means that the guy WILL NOT GET ANY. Or don't they know this?

7) If every action has an equal and opposite reaction, does that mean for every good thing we do, someone else does something bad?

8) The word "heave" means to puke your guts up, especially after a long, hard night drinking...let's conjugate the verb heave. 1) Heaver- someone who heaves; 2) Heaved- past tense of heave; 3) Heaving- present tense of heave; 5) Heaven-(slang) present tense of heave...or the Christian version of the after life.

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Created: 11/25/99 Revised: 12/15/99

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