Twelth Night

Barony of Stormhold, AS XXXIV

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Gentles in the Stormhold Baronial pavilionMaster Gwynfor Lwyd (l) vs Lord Leofric (r)Master Gunnric the Pict (r) in armour, Prince Cornelius (back to camera) and Baron Wee Brusi marshalling.
Sir Brennan Halfhand (l) vs Master Gwynfor Lwyd (r) in the Princess' Champion TourneyPrincess Mowynna and, in the foreground, court page, Brianna of StormholdSir Brennan vs Master Gwynfor, part the 2nd

Twelth Night - The details

Autocrat - Lord Daffydd ap Iowerth
Feastocrat - Baroness Nicolette Dufay
Kitchen Autocrats - Lady Elspeth Caerwent & Lady Gwir verch Madog
Sunday Tourney Autocrat - Lady Jessica St Clair

Awards -
Order of the Laurel - Brian de Caffa
Lochac Order of Grace - Master Thorfinn Hrolfsson
Order of the Silver Tear - Lord Daffydd ap Iowerth
                                         Lady Jessica St Clair
                                         Lord Rioghan of Saarlands

Competitions -
Woodwork - Eleanor of Cathenes
Fruit Cordials - Elspeth Caerwent
Lacemaking - Mirriam Glabraith
Blackwork - Keridwen the Mouse

Tourneys -
Heavy (Princess' Champion) - Leofric (Journeyman to Prince Cornelius)
Rapier - Bran Aluin Cuchaille
Light - William Cumyn


Menu -

A Patina of Asperagus
Chicken in Orange Sauce
Roast Beef with Quail
Vegetable Purees - Puree of Lettuce with Onion
Apple Fritters
Striped Blancmange
Almond Frittata
Mushrooms Stewed in Red Wine
Grilled Trout with Herbs
Vegetable Risotto
Pease Pudding
Pork Drums
Baked Vegetables


Again, pears cooked without colas or water:  To instruct the person who will be cooking them, he should get a good new earthenware pot, then get the number of pears he will be wanting to cook and put them into that pot; when they are in it, stop it up with clean little sticks of wood in such a way that when the pot is upside down on the hot coals it does not touch them at all; then turn it upside down on the hot coals and keep it covered over with coals and leave it to cook for an hour or more.  Then uncover them and check whether they have cooked enough, and leave them there until they are cooked through.  When they are cooked, put them out into fine silver dishes; then they borne to the sick person.

For 12
small tin pear halves
cinnamon & sugar to taste (optional)


Place whole, cored fruit in a baking dish or pan and bake at 400 degrees Fahrenheit until the fruit has completely turned a deep brown, about half hour to 45 minutes.  Sprinkle with cinnamon & sugar and serve.

This recipe is much less elaborate than it appears. and is simply pears baked in an oven, very much like our contemporary baked apple but without the addition of sugar & spices.  Baked pears were thought to have medicinal properties and were one of the foods considered appropriate for the ill, hence the instruction to give them to the sick person.  Feasts often ended with baked apples & pears, served with the other spices & confections of the dessert course.  Keeping that in mind, the modern recipe has been sweetened with a little cinnamon & sugar.



Aliter Patina De Asparagis:  adicies in mortario asparagorum praecisuras, quae proiciuntur, teres, suffundes vinum, colas.  teres piper, ligusticum, coraindrum viride, satureiam, cepam, vinum, liquamen et oleum.  sucum transferes in patellam perunctam, et, si volueris, ova dissolves ad ignem, ut obliget.  piper minutum asperges.  <et inferes>.

For 12
1 small tin asparagus
¼ cup wine
lovage (or substitute angelica)
fresh coriander
½ onion
1 TBS oil
1 egg

Put in the mortar asparagus tips, pound, add wine, pass through the sieve.  Pound pepper, lovage, fresh coriander, savory, onion, wine, liquamen, and oil.  Put puree and spices into a greased shallow pan, and if you wish break eggs over it when it is on the fire, so that the mixture sets.  Sprinkle finely ground pepper over it and serve.

This is one of those dishes that really needs to be trialled before the feast to ensure that the balance of flavours works.


CHICKEN IN ORANGE SAUCE (Lorengue de Pouchins)

Take the oranges and slice them in white verjuice and white wine, and put them to boil, and put in ginger; and put your poultry to cook in this.  MP, APP 5

Oranges were not much used in England at this period, but were apparently known there; since the oranges were bitter - of the Seville type - the normal oranges available in North America will need some extra tartness for this dish.  The recipe dies not tell us exactly how to cook the chicken (one doubts that the cooking is intended to be entirely accomplished in the sauce), so we shall take it as a way to finish partly roasted chicken.

For 12
12 drum sticks
2 oranges, sliced but not peeled
1 cup white wine
 juice of ½ lemon (omit if you are using bitter oranges)
¼ tsp ginger
½ tsp salt (or to taste)


When the chicken is almost done, put sauce ingredients in a pan and cook together for about 15 minutes.  Cut up the chicken into serving pieces and arrange it in a heat-proof serving dish; pour the sauce over I, cover with aluminum foil and simmer for another 15 minutes before serving.

Ok, here's where it all differs from the above recipe.   Brown the chicken legs (if possible!).  Mix everything except the chicken together; add the chicken legs and simmer until done.



For 12
1 quail
1 kilo Roast Beef sliced
½ pot mustard

A hot dish; reheat before serving.  Roast the quails.  Roast beef to be pre-sliced.


VEGETABLE PUREES - Puree of Lettuce with Onion

Aliter Holus Molle Ex Foliis Lactucarum cum cepis:

coques ex aqua nitrata, expressum concides minutatim.  in mortario teres piper, ligusticum, apii semen, mentam siccam, cepam, liquamen, oleum et vinum.

[Aliter] holus molle ne arescat, summa quaeque amputantur, et purgamenta et caules madefactos in aqua apsinthi contegito.

For 12
1 head lettuce
¼ kilo spinach
1 onion
1 tsp pepper
1 tsp lovage (can substitute angelica)
1 tsp celery seeds
1 TBS oil
2 TBS balsamic vinegar (for liquamen)

Boil in water with cooking-soda; drain; chop finely.  Pound in the mortar pepper, lovage, celery seed, dried mint, and onion, add balsamic vinegar (which we are substituting for liquamen), oil and wine.  Mix with the lettuce and onions and serve.

Can be made ahead and reheated.



For 36
6 apples
1 package yeast, dissolved in ¼ cup lukewarm ale or beer
2/3 cup lukewarm ale or beer (in addition to that used to dissolve yeast)
1 Cup flour
2 beaten eggs
½ tsp salt
pinch saffron for colour

If using yeast, start by dissolving the yeast; let it sit a few minutes, then stir in the rest of the ale or beer, flour, salt and egg.  Put in a warm place (such as the back of the stove, if you are using the front burners) to rise for about an hour.  Meanwhile, parboil the apples in salted water for about 20 minutes; drain.

Stir in the apple slices into the bowl of batter, so as to coat each pieces.  Fry the fritters in deep fat, or in a little oil in a frying pan, turning them over as they brown; drain on paper.



For 12
1 cup berries
 2 litre milk
pinch saffron
2 cups gr. almonds
2 cups rice
1 cup sugar
2 tsp salt
4 TBS shortening
2 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp cloves
½ tsp ground ginger (omit, galengal can be substituted)

1. Lightly oil the mold.   Pick over the berries and crush them in a small bowl.  Pour equal amounts of the milk into 3 saucepans.  Add the crushed berries to the first pan, keep the second one white and add the saffron to the third.  Bring these three pans of milk to a boil, cover and remove from the heat and leave in a warm place ot draw the colours into the milk, about 10 minutes.  Strain each batch of coloured milk into a clean saucepan.
2. Bring each of the three pans of milk to a boil.  Remove them from the heat and stir into each pan an equal portion of the ground almonds, cream of rice, sugar, salt, shortening and any optional spices being used.  Return the pans to the heat and simmer, stirring often, until the mixture pulls away from the sides of the pan, about 10 minutes.  The mixture should just fall easily from the spoon.  Pour one coloured portion into the mold and smooth the surface with the back of a spoon dipped in water, pressing the mixture well into the crevices of the mold.  Repeat with each of the other coloured portions, cover the mold with wax/greaseproof paper, and chill overnight or until firmly set.  A short time before serving, run a knife around the edge of the mold and turn it out on to a platter.

These will be decorated with little bread roll swans, and the neck/head will have to be made from pastry.  -  24 bread rolls and 24 heads/necks.

Instead of the bread rolls, we decorated the blancmange with gingerbread swans. Bake the necks/heads separately to the body, and join using icing. Then ice the complete swan with a thin glaze of icing.



For  1 Frittata
pinch salt
6 eggs
100 grams grated Parmesan
½ cup Ground Almonds
60 mls water
sprinkle bitter orange or rosewater

For every two eggs take a heaped tablespoon of ground almonds, a level tablespoon of freshly grated Parmesan, and a pinch of salt.  Beat well together with a teaspoon of water.  Cook in plenty of butter in a heavy 9 inch (22.5 cm) frying pan, finishing off for a few seconds under a hot grill.   Sprinkle with another dessertspoon of Parmesan and a generous sprinkling of aromatic Cinnamon mixture.  Fold in half and in half again, and serve sprinkled with bitter orange juice or rosewater.



Serve the mushrooms in ramikin dishes as a starter with fresh brown bread.  Alternatively you could use it as a summer salad or even as a cocktail snack… The fresh coriander is very typical of ancient Roman cooking; if you cannot obtain the herb fresh the dish is still worth making with dried, if you can find it.

For 12
1.2 litres wine
1 kilo mushrooms
salt and freshly ground pepper
6 TBS coriander

Put the wine in a pan, bring it to the boil and boil briskly till it is reduced to 450 ml (2 cups).  Wipe the mushrooms and remove their stalks.  Add them to the wine with a pinch of salt and a generous grind of black pepper. Bring the wine back to the boil and simmer gently for 5 minutes.  Remove the pan from the heat.  If you are using dried coriander, add it to the mushrooms immediately, adjust the seasoning to taste and allow them to cool.  If you are using the fresh herb do not add it to the mushrooms till just before you want to serve them.  They are equally good warm or cold.

These were served warm.



The most popular way of cooking fish fourteen hundred years ago is still heavily in favour today - spit cooking or BBQ over an open fire.  … The herbs below are what might have been used in Anglo-Saxon East Anglia but feel free to include any others you fancy; try to use fresh if you can although dried is quite acceptable.

For 12
1 trout (1 serves 12)
 6 sprigs rosemary
75 grams butter
18 fresh mint leaves
1-2 tsp coarse sea salt
6-9 grinds black pepper

Put one sprig or a generous shake of rosemary down the middle of each fish.  Chop all the other herbs and seasonings and mash them into the soft butter.  Use this to coat the fish generously on each side.  Griddle, BBQ or grill it for 4-5 minutes on each side or till the skin is well browned and the flesh flaking off the bone.  Baste now and then with the butter which runs off.  Serve at once with lots of fresh bread and a salad or simple green vegetable.

NB  If neither spit nor BBQ are available, use a grill.

These were cooked in a convection oven (baked) wrapped in foil, and stuffed with fresh dill. Tarragon also works well with fish.



For 12
250 grams rice
1 litre vegetable stock
100 grams tasty cheese grated
splash of red wine for the stock wine

In a deep pan, or pot, put the rice, stock, wine and pepper. Stir over low-medium heat until the stock is absorbed. Add the cheese, and melt it through thoroughly. Arborio rice works best with rissotto, but long grain rice works satisfactorily.



For 12
11/2 C split green peas (400 grams)
water to cover
¼ Cup butter (2oz) or 50 grams
2 eggs
salt & pepper


Peas in pan cover simmer for about 30 minutes (drain & puree) beat in butter and add beaten egg. Grease pan or quiche tin.

Bake at 375 degrees for 45-60 minutes until it has formed a crust on top.  Watch carefully after 30 minutes.



For 12
1 kilo rolled Pork Shoulder Roast
1 sheet pastry (for drum tops)
2 bread sticks
apple sauce

Bake the meat; put the pastry on the 'drums' of pork and brown it at the end of the baking.  Decorate with the bread sticks.  Serve with small dish of apple sauce.



For 12
1/3 kilo carrots
1 leek
1 - 2 large beet roots

Wash 'em, peel if necessary, chuck 'em into pan drizzle with olive oil and bake for a while until done.


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