Myths & Facts about Rape

Rape is defined as illicit sexual intercourse with a woman {man} without her consent (by force, deception, whiile she is asleep, etc.).

The word rape often provides images of a man jumping out of the bushes and attacking a woman.  Many people have this idea in mind, and it is only half the story.  The crime of rape entails so much more.  In fact, the majority of rapes are committed by someone we know. This individual could be a current or past boyfriend, a friend, or someone you just met.  This phenomenon is known as "acquaintance rape."

According to "'Friends' Raping Friends--Could It Happen to You?"  by Jean O'Gorman Hughes, "about 60% of the victims know their assailants."  The percentage of acquaintance rapes among adolescents is frightening: "92% of adolescent rape victims said they were acquainted with their attackers."

In 1985, The National Institue of Mental Health funded the most comprehensive study on acquaintance rape ever done on American campuses.  According to the study by Mary Koss, a professor at Kent State University, "one in eight women were the victims of rape.  One in every twelve men admitted to having forced a woman to have intercourse or tried to force a woman to have intercourse through physical force or coercion...Virtually none of these men, however, identified themselves as rapists.  Similarly, only 57% of the women who had been raped labeled their experiences as rape; the other 43% had not even acknowledged to themselves that they had been raped." (NOTE-The book, I Never Called it Rape is based upon this study.  The book explains all elements of this rigorous scientific study.)

There are several myths circulating about what rape is and what it isn't.  I found the following list of what rape is not on another site. (WARNING:  This site contains vicious attacks against survivors and was created to free an "innocent" man convicted of rape.  If you are still dealing with difficult issues, it might be a good idea to avoid this site)  My rebuttals follow each entry:

Another statistic to keep in mind is that according to O'Gorman Hughes, "Experts estimate that as many as 90% of all rapes are never reported."

In "'Friends' Raping Friends..." there is a section on legal implications.  It states: "Women who have been raped by an acquaintance have the same options as those raped by strangers.  They can press criminal and/or Civil charges against the man (men) who raped them.  In general, date rapes are often difficult to prove.  A gun or knife is rarely used and so it is harder for a woman to prove that she was forced to have sex.  It is almost always his word against hers.  The man's attorney may argue that the woman "wanted" to have sex with his client, did so, and then thought better of it and so charged rape.  The woman [is then forced] to prove that she did not want sex, resisted, and was overpowered."

For another great Myths and Facts page, visit The National Coalition Against Sexual Assault.

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