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Case File:  HFB-1957                                                                                     March, 1999
The Story:

I was a lonely person when I met him, he was kind and seemed to be a nice person, I had been abused physically as a child and a teen, so anyone who didn't hit me was a step in the right direction. He did have a tendency to get loud when things didn't go exactly right, but I figured that wasn't too bad! Afterall he kept telling me he loved me!  As long as things went his way, we did just fine, and then our son arrived and my life changed, he was very jealous of his son, and his attitude towards me changed... He yelled at everything that went wrong from his dropping a pencil on the floor to the bill collectors calling,
because he hadn't paid a bill for months, this was all my fault..

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So I got very quiet, afraid to speak..  His next move was to go into tirades of abusive yelling if I was on the phone to a friend. Several times I started on the road to getting my drivers license, but each time there was some difficulty in getting it, so it never happened. Then he started yelling and being abusive when friends where at our house, so all of a sudden no-one would come over or even call me anymore for fear of dealing with him....  Then I had the flu, and a relapse and was in the hospital for a week with an infection that almost killed me, and while there my Dr had some lumps on my legs checked out and they turned out to be cancerous, so they were removed, during this time he was angry with me for him having to bring our son to the hospital so he could see me!  Shortly afterwards while I was recovering, I met a few people online who had a lot in common with me, we became friends, and they listened to me, and also my Dr advised me to go on several depression meds, and see a therapist. They all helped me realize that there was nothing wrong with me, but there was something wrong with him... .When I asked him to come to therapy with me, he told me I was the one with the problem.......so in June of 1995 I walked out the door, with my backpack.... With the Help of some really awesome people I am strong again, you know who you are!
What Was Learned:
  • I have learned to trust my instincts!
  • I have learned to trust myself!
  • I have learned to be strong and that I am a worthwhile human being!
  • I have learned to love me!
Final Say:

I want to say to him, that what he did was not a good thing and I forgive him, but that does not give him the right to treat any other person in this manner!

The Serenity Prayer

God, grant me

The Serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

Courage to change the things I can, and

Wisdom to know the difference.

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Background Music:  With a Little Help From My Friends

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