Extracts from Official Records

(from "Ye Towne Book" published for 200th Town Anniversary 1734)

At a General Town Meeting January ye 14th 1734/5 Lt. Daniel Kittredge - Moderator

(Lt. Daniel Kittredg
(Mr. Joseph Hunt junr
(Mr. Joseph Kittredg
(Mr. John French
(Mr. Nathall Pattin

Town Clerk - Nathaniel Pattin
Town Treasurer - Nathan Shed
The persons above named that was Chosen to any office of which ye Law Requires an oath were sworn accordingly.
At a General Town Meeting January ye 31 - 1734/5
Lt. Daniel Kittredg - Moderator
Then Cose a Committee to Treat with Billerica Committee Concerning Settling ye Line between Billerica and Tewksbury.

Committee men Lt. Daniel Kittredg - Mr. Samuel Hunt junr - Mr. John French.

Voted a rate of thirty pound to Defray ye Towns Charges to be made by ye last assessment in Billerica. - then Chose a Committee to view old meeting House frame and ordered sd committee to make Report to ye Town at ye adjournment of said meeting.

Then Adjourned the meeting to ye tenth of February next - 1734/5.

FEBRUARY 13, 1734 - Voted ye committee (last chose) Should be fully empowred to act in ye behalf of Tewksbury in settling ye line between Billerica and Tewksbury according to ye Corts Act.

Voted that they would Build a new meeting house.

MARCH 31, 1735. Voted that they would not act on ye first article in the Warrant at this time which was to agree of what bigness their meeting House should be. Adjourned to April 7, 1735.

Vote that ye Selectmen be empowred to squadron out its Highways to each Surveyor and propotion their sum of money or work when they set to make ye Highway rate.

Vote that Mr. Enggah should be ye artis to find off Center of their Town.

Voted that there should be so much of that rate (which hath already been granted to Defray sd Towns Charges) taken as shall be necessary to procure two Books for records.

Voted that would Sing that way that is now called ye new way then chose Joseph Bailey & Abraham Stickney to tune and read ye pslams.

JUNE 30, 1735. adjourned to July 9, 1735. Voted that they would build a Meeting House forty eight feet long and thirty six feet wide and twetithree feet high between joynts.

SEPTEMBER 29, 1735. Voted that they would hire preaching in town.

Voted that they would meet at ye house of John French junr upon ye Sabbath Day to worship God.

NOVEMBER 7, 1735. Voted that ye stated time to begin ye public worship on ye Sabbath Days shall be ten a clock in ye morning.

Voted that ye time of intermission between exercises should be one hour and a half.

MARCH 30, 1736. Voted that their Meeting House shall stand upon ye land of Nathaniel Richardson nere a small pine tree marked with R then chose a Committee to let out their Meeting House to be framed and finished.

JUNE 10, 1736. Voted that they would raise their Meeting House by a Teacle.

Voted a town rate for building the Meeting House of two hundred pounds.

SEPTEMBER 13, 1736. Voted that the town appoint a fast on the twentieth day of November in order for calling a Minister.

Voted to chose a committee to reckon with the Town Treasurer.

NOVEMBER 22, 1736. Voted that Mr. Sampson Spaulding of Chelmsford should be our Minister upon his excepting of our choice.

Voted for salary of Mr. Sampson Spaulding yearly 120 pounds according to the valuation of grain as it gos now revc among us: Indian corn at six shillings the bushell, Ric at eight shillings the bushell and wheat at ten shillings the bushell.

Voted for his settlement 200 pounds.

OCTOBER 6, 1737. Voted that Mr. Sampson Spaulding of Chelmsford whom ye have made choice on for their minister should be ordained on the sixteenth day of November next.

Voted that the house of Sergt. John Frenchs should be the place of Entertainment for ministers and messengers of said ordination.

DECEMBER 22, 1737. Voted to seat their Meeting House and to have respect both to money and age in seating the Meeting House to age all above six.

Voted to seat the Meeting House by one head, Real and Personal going back to the first assesment that was made in Tewksbury.

FEBRUARY 16, 1738,. Voted against providing any money for entertainment of visiting ministers and schollars at the ordination.

MAY 16, 1738. Voted to have the outside of the Meeting House finished.

MAY 23, 1738. Voted not to pay Mr. James Kittreg jr. and Mr. Samuel Hunt jr. for their services at the Great and General Court. (later allowed one hundred pounds).

MARCH 10, 1740. Voted and excepted of the highway where it is now trod between the lands of Sergt James Kittredges and John Pattens the both being present at said meeting and gave their consent. (the Town voted and accepted Bridal way one pole wide that would run through land owned by individuals, in addition to the Town highways).

DECEMBER 10, 1740. (After electing the principal officers) adjourned one hour (after elected othe officers) adjourned to the house of Lt. William Kittredge and (finished the remainder of the Town business).

MARCH 2, 1741. Voted to give Lt. Wm. Kittredge 160 pounds to finish the Meeting House in 1742. (Notice that in accepting highways the articles would read "from ____ house to the Meeting House).

MARCH 7, 1742. Voted to allow to Wm. Brown Town Treasurer one pound lawful money for his services in said office the year past.

DECEMBER 6, 1743. Voted to have a Writing and Reading School in the Town.

MARCH 5, 1743. Voted to see that the fish have free passing up and down those streams where they usually pass to spawn.

Voted to allow Mr. __________ one pound five shillings old tenor for his trouble in getting the 20 pounds the Town promised for bringing up _________ a poor child to the age of eighteen years.

MARCH 4, 1744. (Noted "& the persons were chosen into office by ye persons then and there assembled by ye majority of written votes"). (This is the first mention in the records as to the method of electing town officials).

Voted a consideration of ten pounds old tenor to ye Westwardly part of said Town for their not having any benefit of ye town school master. (On page 57 of the first town book appear names of persons and amounts assessed for Ministers' Rate and Town Rate).

SEPTEMBER 23, 1745. Voted to erect a bridge across Shawshin river at the upper end of Mr. Daniel Kittredges meadow.

MARCH 2, 1746. Voted that ye stock of ammunition shall be kept in ye Meeting House in sd town.

MARCH 6, 1748. Voted liberty to Mr. John Needham to hange two good gates across his land on Same Meadow road.

Voted to accept several open highways, two poles wide "provided sufficient bonds be given sd Town to secure Town from damages.

MARCH 4, 1750. Voted that would not maintain the fourth part of the bridge over Concord river to Mr. Nicholas Sprakes Mill.

MARCH 4, 1754. Voted ye Committee 8 shillings for erecting steps at the Meeting House door.

In January 16, 1755 page 339 appears testement by John Kittredge freeing his negro man servant Reuben after his decease. Entered by the Town Clerk November 16, 1756.

1760. The Town Warrants in this period called upon "Freeholders and other inhabitants duly qualified to vote."

MARCH 10, 1760. Voted and chose John Hardey and Samuel Trull to take care that the Irish have free passage (this is noted frequently for several years following).

MARCH 10, 1760. Voted that a man shall have 0.2.0 pr day a yoak of oxen 0.1.4 and a cart 0.0.4 till the last of August and from that time to the last of October 0.1.4 pr day for a man 0.1.0 for a pair of oxen and 0.0.4 pence for a cart for work at the Highways.

MAY 16, 1760. The question being put whether the Town will chuse some person to serve and represent them in the Great and General Assembly the present year and it pased in the negative.

JUNE 9, 1760. Paid Mr. Davis Chapman for warning Thomas Haggits Family and John Gould to depart out of town 4 s.

OCTOBER 6, 1761. The question being put whether the Town will chose a committee to provide a school master and it passed in the negative. (At town meetings of this period it was voted to elect certain officials y vote of Stand. In voting to accept certain highways as laid out by the Selectmen it is noted that owners of land must give same to the town.)

OCTOBER 19, 1761. It was voted to chose a committee to provide a school master. (The Town record book of 1760 to 1791 was purchased by Wm. Hunt for 12 shillings, containing 470 pages).

NOVEMBER 16, 1763. On page 360 appears the following: Straid a large red mare with a large white face and shod before and about ten years old, by sd Eben Whittemore. During this early period of the Town, with the exception of special votes that have been noted, the main business transacted appears to be taking care of the poor and unfortunate, warning undesirable persons out of town and those that came from other towns without apparent means of support, collecting and working out taxes, etc.

MARCH 9, 1770. Voted to alow a man three shillings pr day for work on the highways and a yoak of oxen one shilling and six pence and a cart and plow as the Surveyors think proper to alow them.

MARCH 1, 1771. Paid an order to Thomas Kittredge for entertaining the year past assessors 0.17.6. (Payments are noted also where the selectmen were entertained, this is somewhat misleading as the selectmen were also the assessors).

FEBRUARY 20, 1770. Article to see if the Town will accept of a Rode that was laid out by the former Select Men from the Rode from Daniel Griffins down to Andover line as it was formly laid out if that Andover or the County will meet it with a Rode. Article to see if the town will discontinue the open Rode across Duttons farm and put it to a bridal Rode.

MARCH 45, 1771. Voted not open the rode from Ezra Kindells house to the Meeting House - then voted to reconsider and continue until next town meeting.

We the subscribers being chosen commity to squadron out the Town of Tewksbury for the convenancy of schooling and according to our best judgements we have don it in the manner following (viz) to the First Division begining at Billerica line taking to Joshua Clark Kindal Patton (?) Samuell Kittredge Joseph Kittredge jun Andrew Richardson jun from thence to Andover line; and all the familys in Tewksbury southeast of said line: To the Second Division begining at Billerica line taking in John Sanders Silas Marshall from thence to Abraham Stickney jun and Se Kindall to Andover line and all the familys between said line and the First Division. The Third Division Begining and taking to Samuel Marshall from thence to Johnson Brook so called so on to Merrimack. To the Fourth Division begining at Johnsons Brook from thence to Rogers Mears Robert Nicholas to Concord River. Dated at Tewksbury August ye 31th. Ebenr Temple David Bailey Aaron B (?) Committee Nathl Clark jur Solomon French Entered pr JOHN NEEDHAM, Town Clerk.

MARCH 2, 1772. Voted that each squadron draw their equal quota of the money voted for schooling. Article - to hear the report of the committee that was chosen to treat with the Revd Spaulding concerning his sallery and vote him some certain sum for his Sallery annually so long as he shall supply the Ministree in the Meeting House in this Town and for him to give a recept in full (when paid) or to act in some other way or meathoard that the Town shall think proper at the Town meeting.

FEBRUARY 15, 1773. Article - to choose person or persons for to Let the Psalm on Sabbath Day and other time of publick worship. MARCH 1, 1773. Voted and chose Abr'm Bailey} Peter Hardey} For to late the Psalm

MARCH 1, 1773. Voted to give the Rev'd Mr. Sampson Spaulding 66:13:3 pounds for his sallery this year. (Throughout this book of records there appear at different times entries of money paid to persons for cost of warning certain persons out of town, also for removing them to other towns and for carrying some out of town.)

OCTOBER 18, 1773. Voted to repair the Meeting House windowers with Diamond Glace and what was needful at present. At this same meeting it was voted against a new addition to the Meeting House, also against new clabourds and new shingles for the Meeting House, also voted against the Select Men acting as a committee for to repair the Meeting House.

EXTRACTS - GALLEY THREE Entries paying certain persons for mending clothes, making shirts, britches, stockings. (This is presumed to be for the poor). February 15, 1775 paid Benj Burtt for four pairs of gloves for the funeral of And'w Richardsons wife 0-7-5-3.

FEBRUARY 1, 1775(4?). Article - to see if the Town will accept of an open Highway two poles wide (etc).

SEPTEMBER 7, 1774. Article - to see if the Town will provide some fire armes and more animistion and to chuse a commitee for to provide the same. Article - to appoint one or more delegates to attend a Provencil Meeting to be holden at Concord on the second day of October next.

SEPTEMBER 21, 1774. Voted to buy more powder for a Town Stock. Voted to buy two Barrils of powder in addition to the Town Stock. Voted to leave it with the committee to provide bulets an flints as they shall think proper. Voted and chose Elead Worcester Jonathan Brown Committee Aaron Beard Voted and chose Mr. Jonathan Brown delegate for the said Provincil Meeting.

NOVEMBER 23, 1774. Voted to repair all the windows in the gallery of the Meeting House that the owners of the pues are not obliged to repair and down below that are not against the pues.

JANUARY 23, 1775. Voted and chose Jonathan Brown a delegate for the Provincial Congress Meeting at Cambridge on the first day of Feb'y next.

FEBRUARY 20, 1775. Paid Samuel Brown for perembulating the lines of Billerica and Wilmington 4 shillings.

MARCH 6, 1775. Voted to allow Jonathan Brown 4s 8 pr day going as a delegate to the Congress.

MAY 23, 1775. Voted and chose Ezra Kindell to be a member of the Provincil Congress at Watertown on the 31st day of May.

AUGUST 2, 1775. Voted that the Selectmen shall make a return of what coats the Town doth make for the soldiers on the province service. (This is the first official mention of town soldiers being on province service in the Town Book).

JUNE 24, 1776. Voted that the Selectmen shall provide aminition and shovels spaids peik axes etc according to their descretion. Voted that the Town shall provide bayonetts for the training band in the Town. Voted that the Selectmen shall provide fire armes for those persons that they shall think proper and other necessary Accutrements.

OCTOBER 14, 1776. Voted to chose a committee to make a draught for government. Voted and accepted the committee report and plan of government.

On March 4, 1776 Elenor Putnam was paid for sweeping the Meeting House 16 shillings. (She had served several years prior to this date). In 1779 she was paid 6 pounds for sweeping and taking care of the Meeting House.

MARCH 17, 1777. Voted to let those persons that are twenty years of age to vote in this meeting. Voted to chose a committee to estimate and see what men have already don in towards raising the Army, time past, and to see what will be wanted to precure the men that are now wanting to form the Continental Army. Voted that the committee do make their report about raising money to raise men with and what hath been paid alredy at the adjournment of this meeting. Then met according to adjournment P M the meeting being opened, past the following votes (viz) Voted 8 dollars pr man for 45 men going to Cambridge the first time. Voted to allow 4 dollars pr man for 13 men going to Roxbury 6 weeks. Voted to allow 40 dollars pr man for 22 men going to Tyconderoga last summer. Voted to allow 4 dollers pr man for 14 men going to Cambridge two months. Voted to allow 10 dollers per man for 4 men going to Dorchester. Voted to allow 44 dollers pr man for 12 men going to New York and the Jersseys. Voted to allow Enoch Merril 2 dollers. Voted to allow to other what appears to be due.

MAY 22, 1777. Voted to chose a committee to settle with Rowley about the maintainance of the wid Mary Hunt.

SEPTEMBER 8, 1777. Voted that the Town Treasurer be empoured to hire money to hire the men that are now being raised.

SEPTEMBER 29, 1777. Voted to raise 200 pounds to what was voted to be raised last town meeting, in raising men for publick service. Paid David Bailey jun for making fifty bayonets for the militia 20 pounds.

MARCH 1, 1779. Voted and chose Mr. Ezra Kindell as agent to take care of the Tory Farmers in Tewksbury.

MAY 21, 1779. Voted to have a new Constitution of form of government made. Voters in the affirmative 20, the voters in the negative 2. Voted and chose Major Jonathan Brown and Mr. Ezra Kindell to inquire into and Prosecute Roger Dutton and John Stearns for not going into the Continental Service for the Town of Tewksbury for nine months according to their promise. Voted to accept of the proceedings of the Convention that met at Concord to regulate prices. Voted and chose Mr. Wm. Brown Delegate to go to Cambridge the first day of September next to meet in Convention in order to frame a new Constitution. (Throughout the period of the war are many entries showing payments for the making of shirts, stockings and shoes for the soldiers, also for salt pork and Indian corn. 9 pounds for one blanket and six pounds and six shillings for one pair of shoes and one pound ten shillings for a tomehawk for Nath Hunt for engaging in the Colonial Army during the war. This was paid by ___ Baldwin and refunded by the Town in October 26, 1779. In June 1779, an order to Wm. Hill it being for a pair of shoes at 24 dollars. On Feb. 11, 1780, appears payment to different persons for paying soldiers and supplying soldiers' families).

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