[Note: Info outdated, since the text was written a few years back. But the text still shows the ability to write and explain.] Chapter 2 GETTING ONLINE Before you can get anywhwere in cyberspace, you need the equipment that makes it possible. This chapter is an overview and a crash course in communication hardware for microcomputers, with tips on where to turn for more detailed information. If you are hard-pressed to tell a serial port from a cereal box, read on. If you are already conversant with modems, modem software, and the computers that talk through them, you might wish to skip over this chapter. Now that you've decided that, rather than hiding your light under a bushel, you're going to let it shine online, you need the right gear to send and receive data via computer. This means you'll have to have a computer (of course), a modem that will work with the computer, "driver" software that enables you to use the modem, and some sort of data connection to the rest of the world (usually a telephone line). Here is where it can get tricky. You see, all of the elements have to be compatible with each other, and there is a bewildering array of digital messaging hardware and software on the market now, so much that the unguided rookie would quickly get lost in the morass of facts, figures, terms, and prices. Before plunging into the nearest Computer Shopper to pick out your hardware, a new user needs to be conversant with some of the terms involved, like: * Modem - Modems get their name from the words modulator and demodulator. What they do is translate the digital information that your computer generates into a signal that can be sent over ordinary phone lines (modulating), and translate the phone-line signal into digital information the computer can understand (demodulating). This device is your computer's "voice" and "ears" in the online world. * Data compression - Because connection time is literally money, some modems have a data compression feature as part of their design. Data compression is a way of encoding information so that it is less bulky, and therefore less time-consuming to send and receive. * Baud rate - The baud rate is a measure of how fast a modem sends and receives data, and is usually expressed either in baud (bd), or bits per second (bps). While "baud" and "bits per second" are technically not quite interchangeable terms, they are close enough so as to not matter to the casual user. * Fax capability - A modem with fax capability can not only exchange information with other computers, it can also send and receive faxes. When a fax is received by a fax modem, it is stored as a disk file until the user elects to print it out. * Error correction - Error correction is a way by which two modems, while communicating, verify that the messages on each end match exactly. If they don't match, the part with the problem is resent and rechecked, and the process is repeated until everything tallies up. Error correction algorithms are often incorporated into data compression schemes; if you get one, you may also have the other. * Internal/External Modem - Internal modems are cards that plug into a socket inside your computer cabinet. External modems are boxes that connect to your computer with a data cable. As you might expect, each has its advantages and disadvantages. * E-mail - E-mail, short for electronic mail, is the sending and receiving of text messages person-to-person via computer. E-mail is one of the chief functions performed by online services today, and is of particular interest to Christians with an evangelical bent. In one respect, at least, the Christian who is just being introduced to the world of computers has an important resource: the Church. Computers are common enough now that most congregations (in the U.S., at least) will contain at least a few members who have computers, who may be online already, and who would be happy to give some free advice. One of the many good things about our faith is that we have brothers and sisters to help us in practical ways, and none of us should feel bad about taking advantage of their knowledge. In fact, member-to-member interaction and support is something that many churches could use more of. [A-HEAD] The Computer Electronic messaging has been done with almost every conceivable computer, from early VAXs and IBM mainframes through the unlamented Apple IIIs, up to and including the newest superfast RISC-based PCs. However, just because you may have an Osborne portable gathering dust in your attic is not sufficient reason to try hooking it up to Ma Bell. While there is an enormous variety of computer types available for online communications, two platforms are the proverbial 800-lb gorillas of the home computer world: the Macintosh, and the IBM-compatible PC. The new user is best advised to stick with one of these machines. The Macintosh and the PC each have their advantages. The "Mac," as it's called, is known for its innovative operating system. Operating systems are the programs that integrate a computer's hardware into a working whole, set the paramaters under which programs run, and mediate input and output. The Macintosh has an operating system that relies on the simple, elegant, and intuitive procedure of moving an arrow across the screen via mouse, and clicking on menu items to select them. Apple invented this kind of GUI (Graphical User Interface), and many argue that the latest incarnation of the Macintosh system is still the best around. Some of the more advanced Macintoshes, such as the Quadra 950, are quite powerful; these are generally geared to the visual artist, and have built-in capabilities that make them good at image manipulation. If a user is interested in desktop publishing (DTP) or photo-image editing as well as online services, the Mac may be the way to go. Further, as of this writing, the next-generation Macintoshes (PowerMacs) have hit the retail shelves while their PC-based counterparts, PowerPCs, are still getting their finishing touches. PowerMacs are not only very fast and very capable machines, they have the so-far unique ability to run both Macintosh and IBM software. Be aware, however, that Apple never licensed any other companies to build machines compatible with the Macintosh until just last year, and the PowerMac is the only machine of its kind around. In either case, the lack of market competition means higher-priced hardware for users. IBM, however, licensed its PC architecture shortly after the introduction of the PC, and all sorts of companies have been building PC-compatible machines ever since. The biggest ones today are Dell, Compaq, and of course IBM itself, while other companies like Compu-Add, Zenith, Tandy, and Packard-Bell do nearly as much business. There are literally hundreds of companies that build computers based on IBM's architecture. That, of course, means that a PC will be less expensive than a comparable Macintosh; but it also means that the PC buyer needs to take a heavy dose of caveat emptor. Quality can vary widely, and sticking with the better-known brand names is advisable, unless you don't mind tinkering. Non-tinkerers should inquire about warranties and service agreements. Consumer Report has published a review of PCs from major manufacturers, which will be of interest to you if you're buying a new system. Of course, the near-universal availability of PC components provides users who do like to tinker with another option: building a computer from parts. This mix-and-match approach can be fun and rewarding, not to mention much less expensive than buying a new PC. In fact, we've done it ourselves; but that's a whole 'nother kettle of fish, completely apart from going online. If you want more information on building your own PC, McGraw-Hill publishes a fine series of books on how to do exactly that. The widespread availability of PC hardware is mirrored in the software. Optional operating systems for PCs include MS-DOS, Windows, and OS/2, among others. Technically Windows is not an operating system in the true sense, but rather a GUI running in DOS; but because many programs are written specifically for Windows and will not function without it, Windows needs to be considered as an operating system. One thing that Windows does do is to provide the same kind of intuitive, easy-to-grasp, graphics-oriented interface that made Apple's Macintosh operating system so successful. In fact, the Windows environment's resemblance to the Mac system is so marked that it became the subject of a lawsuit over copyright violation, a lawsuit that Apple won. OS/2 is another operating system, one that was written by IBM to compete with Windows. Like Windows, it is icon-based, and requires the user to select symbols with a mouse-driven cursor. OS/2 is a true operating system, not just a GUI; it operates the hardware itself, rather than directing DOS to do it. Furthermore, a version of OS/2 is available that permits true multitasking. In other words, it allows a computer to do several jobs at once, something that no other PC-based product has been able to do. No matter where you get your PC, it will have some flavor of DOS on it. It might be DR-DOS or PC-DOS, but it is most likely to be Microsoft's MS-DOS. If you purchase your PC new from a major manufacturer, not only will it come with MS-DOS installed, but it will also come with Windows. At least one major on-line service (America Online, to be precise) can only be accessed by PCs with Windows. Users should be aware that their choice of operating systems, like their choice of hardware, can affect what they can and can't ultimately do online. Note: There is still a fairly active group of Amiga users alive and kicking today, and Amigas are a going concern in Europe, so somebody who wanted to spend the extra time and effort could put one of them to work online without much of a problem. And, oddly enough, there has been a good selection of communication software written for the lowly and obsolete Commodore 64. However, putting together hardware, software, and tech support will be problematic. No matter which of the above operating systems you choose as the environment in which you want to send and receive online data, there is modem software somewhere that will run in it. Further, Windows and OS/2 allow you to run a "DOS session," which enables you to use DOS-based software while those systems are running. That is handy, because if you have a DOS computer and choose to upgrade to OS/2, for example, you will still be able to use all your old programs. Of course, the easiest solution to getting an integrated computer system, i.e. one in which the hardware and software does its work with no bugs, is to buy the thing as a package. All of the brand-name retailers offer complete computer systems, including modems and messaging software to drive them. Better yet, many computer and electronics retailers will allow customers to specify what they want in their computer system, and will custom-build it. This approach has several advantages to the customer. For one, the customer can get the precise system that he or she wants, without having to pay for unnecessary extras. Many complete, prepackaged systems come "bundled" with several programs, for example, already installed. You might find one of these machines with MS-DOS, Windows, a database program, a spreadsheet, a word processor with an on-line thesaurus and dictionary, a drawing program, a painting program, and even extra fonts and clip art just for good measure. If you buy the package, you get that extra software, like it or not. Similarly, you may find a system that has everything you want for a good price, except that, say for example, the hard drive (a high-capacity internal disk drive, for storing programs and data) is too small for your needs. Custom-specifying your system allows you to put your hard-earned money into the features and programs that you specifically want, without paying for needless extras. Even better, ordering a customized system puts the burden of making it work on the retailer, rather than you. If there is a problem in getting the graphics controller card (a device that sends output to the screen) to work properly when Windows is running, for example, it's up to the vendor to iron it all out before you get the system. Further, any vendor worth their salt will include a warranty with the new machine, often with on-site maintenance. It's nice when, if your computer breaks down, the people who sold it to you will come to your house and fix it for free. What's the bottom line on computers for online use? Well, it's like this: if all you want is the basic ability to send and receive data, all you really need is a bottom-end PC or Mac, with a monochrome monitor and no software other than your modem driver and a text editor for composing and reading your e-mail. In the PC world, this can be a machine as old as an original PC, a computer that was based on Intel's 8088 processor chip and one that dates back to 1980. However, in computer circles this is a dinosaur, and you may find it difficult to find parts, service, and software, not to mention that it will be slow. Such a computer may also lack a hard drive, which is an important feature for online users. Happily, when you locate an original 8088-based computer in the classifieds (they're not available new any more), the price will be low; with a little luck (or blessing, if you will), it might be under a hundred dollars. By no means should you pay more than two hundred. For all the lack of respect accorded these computers, if you have one you can plug it into an external modem, load up a rudimentary modem driver, and chug your way online. For the sending and receiving of e-mail and other data, it is perfectly adequate. For someone getting a computer specifically for online use, it's preferable to buy a PC that's at least one generation more recent than the original PCs. That would be a 286 computer, so called for Intel's 80286 processor chip. There are also 386 and 486 computers, with corresponding increases in speed and sophistication. As with the original PCs, you can find 286s for sale in the local paper, and the price is usually right. Expect to pay between two and four hundred dollars for a complete system used, or up to six hundred dollars new. Don't pay more than that; if somebody wants to sell you a used 286 computer for five hundred dollars, look around. You can probably find a used 386 for the same price, or just a little more. A 286 is probably the computer with the earliest design that can still be purchased new; but they're fast disappearing in favor of the 386- and 486-based machines. 386s come in varieties, such as "386SX25" and "386DX33." In such designations, the SX and DX refer to a difference in the arrangement of the internal architecture of the machine; all you really need to know is that DXs are faster. The "25" and "33" on the tail ends of the above designations refer to the clock speed of the processor (a measure of microprocessor performance), expressed in MHz (megaHertz). But remember that just because a 386SX25 and a 486SX25 have 25MHz clock speeds doesn't mean that the computers will run programs at the same rate. Because of improved efficiency of design, the 486 will be faster every time, all other things being equal. A 386 might cost anywhere from three hundred to six hundred dollars used, and up to nine hundred dollars new, depending on the features and the variety of processor. Although some say that it takes at least a 386DX33 with 8 megabytes of RAM (random access memory) to run Windows satisfactorily, David has "scraped by" with only 4 megabytes and has had no difficulties accessing America Online and various bulletin boards. (Of course, he also doesn't make it a habit of running Word, Quicken, and three other programs of your choice simultaneously either.) We would suggest 4 megabytes, then, as the bare minimum you need to run Windows sufficiently, and 8 megabytes if you truly want to take advantage of the enormous quantity of software that has been written for Windows. The 486 is the current standard business computer, and can be found in offices worldwide. As with the 386, the 486 comes in many flavors; and as with the 386, the DX models are superior to the SX. 486s are fast, and they probably support the greatest variety of programs available for any computer around today. In addition, the 486 may be the best value in computing power for the dollar, at least in new systems. The 486 is the most popular processor for complete systems that are being retailed, as of this writing; it is new enough and fast enough to have considerable computing power, but it has been on the market long enough for competition to bring prices down. Still, you would expect a new 486 to be higher in price than the systems previously mentioned, and it is. Used machines will probably start at around five or six hundred dollars, and may go for over twelve hundred dollars for a fully optioned machine with lots of software. New 486s can cost anywhere from nine hundred to fifteen hundred, again depending on features and software. 486s with sufficient RAM run Windows beautifully; a high-end 486 is capable of meeting any online challenge, at least for the present. But remember: the phrase "at least for the present" is a loaded one. Time moves very quickly in the computer world. After the 486 comes the controversial Pentium. Pentium-chip computers are the next generation, and naturally have a corresponding increase in power and speed over their predecessors. It is still rare to find Pentium computers used, and new ones start at around fourteen hundred dollars. They can range up to over three thousand dollars. Buying a three thousand-dollar Pentium package to access online services is like swatting flies with a sledgehammer. At least for the present. The reason that the Pentium is controversial is that some versions of the Pentium have a design flaw that can cause math errors at long intervals. How long those intervals are is the subject of some debate, as is the significance of the errors. In any case, it took a university scientist running extensive number-crunching programs to determine that there was a problem at all, so it's not likely that a processor error is going to cause some catastrophic problem in your Pentium PC. Lots of people have been using them for a while now, with no problems. The future of PCs is a cloudy one. The PowerPC, a machine based on a totally new chip produced by a Apple, IBM, and Motorola working in concert, has been due out "any day now" for months. When it does hit the shelves, it promises (like the PowerMac, built around the same chip) to run both Macintosh and PC software. But without computers to work with, who can say? It may be that the PowerPC is the wave of the future; but other manufacturers are doing their best to claim the future for themselves. Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC for short) has computers on the market now that run DEC processors at 150 MHz, which is half again as fast as the fastest Pentium. Sun Microsystems has some promising new chips to bring into the PC fray, as does Cyrix Corporation. Whatever happens, it will probably be good news for the consumer, as each company will do its best to capture the market. As has already been explained, the Macintosh world hasn't been standing still, either. The PowerMac is already wowing users with its speed and capability. But if you want to do your cybersurfing on a Macintosh, it's a very different ballgame from PCs. Apple Computer has always chosen its distributors quite conservatively, and only once has licensed its architecture (for the Macintosh; it happened in late 1994, after the PowerMac was already in production). Apple hardware is not available just anywhere, and isn't made by just anybody. The mixed blessing in this is that while you are less likely to have maintenance hassles and compatibility headaches with your Macintosh, you will likely have to pay a higher price than for a comparable PC. Macintoshes come in many shapes and sizes, like PCs, and they can have any of a number of processor chips, all but the PowerMac chip being based on the Motorola 68000 series of microprocessors. Macintoshes are available used, of course, with a basic monochrome system available for about five hundred dollars in most markets. Such a machine will serve basic online needs. Prices for more sophisticated systems can range all the way up to over five thousand dollars for a new PowerMac. If using a Pentium for electronic messaging is like swatting flies with a sledgehammer, using a PowerMac is like swatting them with a pile driver...at least for the present. [A-HEAD] The Modem Of course, you could have a dozen PowerMacs and still not be able to send or receive a single bit of data. Unless you have a modem, your computer is deaf and dumb to the online world. Modems, you will remember, can be either internal or external, but there's a whole lot more to them than just that. A modem is one of a class of devices called peripherals. A peripheral is any accessory device that exchanges information with a computer's CPU (central processing unit, or motherboard--the part that does the computing). Other peripherals include keyboards, monitors, disk drives, tape backup systems, and so on. The modem's particular job is to translate the computer's data pulses into a transmissible signal, and to interpret incoming signals into computer data. Like computers, modems have advanced greatly since their beginnings. Oddly enough, it can be argued that the roots of modem technology existed in a rudimentary form long before computers did; early radio experimenters had analog fax working as early as 1920. At any rate, the first digital modems that were available to the public were bulky, expensive, and slow, transmitting their 300 bps over copper wires. One of the reasons why early modems were so slow is because the telephone lines were so noisy. The standard telephone infrastructure in 1965 was analog signal over copper wire, coast to coast. No other technology existed. As a result, telephone connections (especially long-distance ones) were prone to signal loss, crosstalk, and static. In order to make themselves heard over such connections, people had to speak clearly, loudly... and slowly. The same was true of modems. In the late 1970s and into the following decade, however, the U.S. federal government's breakup of Bell Telephone into regional companies introduced market pressure to the telephone industry. This, in turn, led to a general raising of service standards across the country. Part of the result of this, in turn, was that digital signals on fiber-optic cable began to replace analog on copper. Digital fiber-optic technology eliminated the problems of weak signals and noise. The same events that let you hear Aunt Thelma in Omaha clear as, well, a bell, allowed modems to pick up the pace. And modems had been making advances anyway. At about the same time that the IBM PC was taking over the business world, the standard modem transmission speed (also sometimes called the baud rate) was 1200 bps. Five years later, the standard was 2400 bps, and five years after that (around 1992) the standard was 9600 bps. Note: You may sometimes see these figures written as 1.2, 2.4, or 9.6 kbps, or kilobits per second. Today, most new modems are capable of at least 14,400 bps, and if you have the checkbook to match, some others can reach speeds of 19,200, 28,800, and even 56,000 bps! But just because most of the new modems are capable of 14,400 bps doesn't mean that all of the BBSs you'll visit can match them. Surprisingly enough, some smaller BBSs still putter along at 1200 bps, and the typical onliner can be proud to hook in at 9600 bps. Part of the reason behind this is, again, based on cost: sysops have to spend money to set up the line, and most simply can't or won't splurge on the more expensive bps unless they know they'll have the traffic to support the purchase. But as you move up to the large commercial services and government resources, you will find the higher speed lines, up to the whopping 56,000 bps. And because connection time is what most online-service charges are based on nowadays, the faster you can transfer data, the better. Not to mention that it's no fun to sit and watch your disk drive whirl for ten minutes, just to download a simple text file. The reason you need to know all of this is because different modems have different maximum speeds, and you need to know their capabilities in order to comparison shop. One thing you generally don't need to worry about, however, is whether or not your modem can talk with other modems. The driver software included with the vast majority of modems on the market today enables modems to "shift gears," if you will. After making initial contact, the faster modem in a pair will drop down to the speed of the slower one, and the message transfer proceeds (hopefully) as planned. All of this happens without any interaction from the user. You simply want to have a fast enough modem to be able to maximize your speed with any given connection. As for choosing between an internal and external modem, there are advantages to each. An internal modem takes up no extra space on your desktop, requires no power outlet of its own, and is cheaper than an external modem with similar features. An external modem has the advantages of quick connection and disconnection, not to mention portability, security, and ease of service (you can pop off the cable and take the modem with you, lock it in a cabinet, or ship it to the shop). The best reason among true gadget-heads for owning an external modem is so we can look at the cool LEDs flashing while a message goes through. Aside from that little foible, the functionality of internal vs. external modems is identical. Fax capability is a relatively new wrinkle in the online connectivity game. Some modems are fax capable, and can send electronic messages to fax machines, which then spit out a piece of paper with the desired text on it. Likewise, such a modem can receive a faxed message as though the modem were a fax machine; but rather than spitting out a piece of paper, the modem writes the data to a hard disk, storing the fax as a bitmapped image. When and if the user wants to, he or she can view the fax electronically, then either print it out or discard the file. OCR (optical character recognition) is yet another variation; incoming faxes are actually read, rather than stored as pictures, and the message then stored as text. This saves disk space, because the text file may be as little as one-tenth the size of the bitmap file that it came from. Many different manufacturers make modems, but perhaps the biggest name in the industry is Hayes Microcomputer. In fact, Hayes managed to set a de facto standard with their modem-control instruction set; it was so ubiquitous that if other modems weren't "Hayes compatible," it was a handicap. The Hayes instruction set is still the prevalent system in use today, which is why many modem manufacturers advertise their products as being Hayes-compatible. You should get a Hayes-compatible modem; apart from those built by Hayes Microcomputer, there are very solid products from Intel, AT&T Paradyne, and Digital Equipment Corporation. So what's the bottom line on modems? You can function minimally with a 2400 bps modem, and 9600 bps will get you to most anywhere in cyberspace without a hitch; but if it's at all possible, get a 14,400 bps modem, and if you can afford to go faster, do. The reasoning behind this is that every second of time spent logged-in to an online service will cost you money. Some users manage to rack up over a hundred dollars a month in connection fees and phone charges. If you lay out an extra hundred bucks for a modem that is twice as fast, by the time you have used it for a year you will have come out ahead financially. The money you spent on the modem, you will earn back in connection-charge savings. As far as fax capability is concerned, it's a nice added feature for business use, but is an unnecessary luxury for cruising online. As of this writing, a strictly functional 14,400 bps external modem with basic driver software is selling in the discount market for a little over a hundred dollars, perhaps up to two hundred at retail. A 2400 bps internal modem with driver can be had for thirty bucks; then again, if you really want the finest in high-performance hardware with all the right software frills, prices don't stop until they're over a thousand dollars. [A-HEAD] The Software Okay. So you know what you want in a computer, and you have figured out what you can afford in a modem. What next? Driver software is next. Fortunately, modems usually come with driver software included in the deal, so compatibility between the hardware and the software is ensured. If your modem is secondhand, or somehow a modem fell into your lap without the driver software, then it becomes clear why it was important to get a Hayes-compatible modem: Hayes-compatible modems can be used with most Hayes-compatible driver programs without a major hassle. That's the reason for the standard. [Fig. 2-1 The opening screen of GOLDP40, a shareware modem driver.] If you're in this situation, you can probably find a generic Hayes-compatible modem driver as shareware (low-cost software, distributed freely person-to-person, that you can try before you pay for it). If your modem isn't Hayes-compatible, you may be up the proverbial creek. Your best chance in that case is to try to track down the manufacturer by the name on the modem, and see if you can get driver software from them. If that doesn't pan out, you have only a slim chance of ever being able to make it work. You might want to plug the thing up to the computer, load your Hayes-compatible modem driver anyway, and see what happens. It might work; and if it doesn't, well, all you had was an expensive paperweight to begin with. So when you've got the modem and the software to match, read the documentation before you do anything. Note: That's probably the best advice we've never taken. Often, what seems to be complicated on the surface is simplified by a little light reading. For instance, if your software for a hypothetical DOS-based PC comes on a diskette with fifty different files on it, you may not know what in the world to do with it; however, a quick glance through the manual could reveal that if you clear a hard drive directory, then go to that directory and type A:INSTALL from the command line, everything will take care of itself. In short, if you follow the manual and follow the prompts from the software's setup routine, the whole deal will be remarkably painless, and in no time at all you'll be ready to go. While the specifics of each modem and its particular variety of driver software are too varied to be covered here, there are a few things that you should be aware of. The first is the concept of communication parameters. There are several "languages," or data formats, that modems use in talking to one another. The characteristics of these languages are set by the communications parameters, and there are three: the data bits, the parity bit, and the stop bit. "Data bits" has nothing to do with Star Trek, but rather refers to the number of bits in a word. A modem's word is exactly what it sounds like: a discrete bundle of information, just like a spoken word. Most BBS and online service connections use an 8-bit word. The parity bit, which aids in error correction, can be odd, even, or none, and most of the time it will be none (because later error-correction measures have made it redundant). The stop bit, when turned on, tells the receiving modem that the message is over; it is either 0 or 1, and usually is 1. Generally you will see these parameters referred to all at once, as in 8-N-1 (8-bit word, no parity bit, stop=1). 8-N-1 is the most common data word format, although some services use 7-E-1. These parameters are generally given along with BBS telephone numbers and the like, so that users know how to set their modem drivers for communication. The second important concept is that of protocols. If the communication parameters are the language that modems speak, protocols are scripts that specify the intricate ceremonies in which the words are spoken. Because things shouldn't be too easy or simple, there are several protocols of which you should be aware. The simplest one is ASCII. ASCII is nearly universally known among computers, and so it represents a stable, workable solution to linking computers that are otherwise incompatible. ASCII is suitable only for text messages, as it only permits the twenty-six letters of the alphabet, ten numerals, and a handful of punctuation marks. Attempts to send graphics files in ASCII, for example, literally don't compute. Another group of protocols are a set, representing three generations of protocol development. These are Xmodem, Ymodem, and Zmodem, and they contain incremented degrees of error-correction, data compression, and other handy refinements. As you might expect, Zmodem is the fastest. It is also commonly used in online services for file transfer. You will probably find yourself using Zmodem quite a lot. One last protocol you might encounter is called Kermit. Kermit is extremely versatile in that it can enable widely disparate hardware to work together; but this versatility comes at the price of speed. If you're transferring text, do it in ASCII before you do it in Kermit. But if you are having difficulty getting a file through unscrambled, Kermit may save the day. [Fig. 2-2 Setting modem transmission parameters in GOLDP40] Most any modem/driver package that you run across will be able to work with a variety of communication parameters, in a variety of protocols. The driver software is where those options are set by you, the user. If you have older hardware that predates some of the later developments (namely Zmodem), you should contact your supplier; there may be a retrofit driver that includes the capability. At any rate, if you don't know what settings to use for your modem software (for whatever reason), set it for the Hayes instruction set, 8-N-1, and Zmodem, and you'll most likely make your connection. So now that you've decided to become one of His cyberchildren, got your computer, connected the modem, read the manual, and installed the driver software, where do you go from here? Online! [A-HEAD] Making the connection Everything is now set up and ready to go, but you've still got one problem you've got to solve. To quote a B-movie, who ya gonna call? Luckily, you've got the solution in your hands right now. Just turn to one of the later chapters and pull out the telephone number of one of the likely-looking Bulletin Board Services (BBSs) we've listed there. Start your modem's driver software, and make sure your phone line is plugged into the modem. Most driver software will include a phone directory function, which is essentially a dinky database program that stores the names, addresses, phone numbers, and comments for all your online call destinations. Some directories will even custom-configure your modem's parameters to values that you can preset for each online location. In any case, fill out the information screen for the BBS that you've chosen, then choose "Dial" from the appropriate menu. If you've got an external modem, it might have a small speaker that allows you to hear what's going on during the initial part of the call. Some internal modems can access your computer's speaker. If this is the case with your modem, you will hear the beeping noises that indicate touch-tone dialing, followed by ringing noises, which are then the squeally sound of a modem saying "Hello, there." At this point, turn the speaker off; it's of no real use, other than to let you know if you've reached a residential phone by accident, or that your number is no longer in service, or that the line is busy. [Fig. 2-3 [insert name of BBS] login screen indicates a successful modem link.] If the contact is successful, your computer will display the BBSs introductory screen. At this point you can usually follow the prompts to login with the limited rights of a nonsubscriber. Once you've done that you will see another screen, usually with menu options that you can follow from there. You're in! [Fig. 2-4 (insert name of BBS) main menu screen, from which you navigate in the BBS.] (c) 1994 by David M. McCandless & Aaron Bittner