The Pleasure Steamers

by Andrew Motion


The river repeats itself, and I
repeat myself watching it; here is
my hand on the bridge as it was
this morning, and here in a crevice

of moss the match I dropped then.
Everything waits for me till I live
far enough forward to find it changed:
now what I see in the twilight

as logs, rotate on the current
as sluggish and matted as what
I guessed must have been hidden
early today. There was a van

drawn up by the rushes, and on the mud
a diver, easing his mask off,
calling 'I couldn't see anything'.
Neither could I. Just clouds

on indolent stretches of water,
and somewhere beneath it
an absence of light, increasing,
swelling towards me like rain.

[from The Pleasure Steamers (1978): Carcanet]
© Copyright Carcanet Press Ltd. Reproduced for personal use only: do not circulate.

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