Another Sleepless Night among the Ruins

by Liz Rosenberg

1            This spring-like February evening,
2            pink sky shading down to lead,
3            I stand under clear white butterflies---
4            a flock of wings hung folded from the sleeping tree.
5            When one cloud moves they turn to stars of ice.
6            Ah frozen ringing street, stricken beneath my boots!

7            The Church of the Slow Children
8            has no other name, only the glowing shield
9            out on the road
10          though I circle around the gray stone
11          dark within its spider sprawl,
12          one bell and cross flung
13          into the highest air: steel spray
14          of its peculiar blossoming.

15          At daylight's edge
16          before I climb the flights
17          to my third floor roof of rooms
18          I stand like this sometimes and breathe
19          and count the endless movement of my breastbone heaving
20          while dawn glitters in like a red tide and nothing
21          else is there....

22          From her corner of the sky
23          my steady neighbor Venus
24          points me up till I can see
25          the path of planets burn and gleam and widen out
26          ---so like my own slow way past grief.

[from The Fire Music (1986): University of Pittsburgh Press]
Copyright © 1986, Liz Rosenberg. Reproduced for personal use only: do not circulate.

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