Christianity and Critiques

This page is dedicated to resources concerning Christianity, including links to Christian sites I have found useful or interesting, and some to non-Christian sites offering a critique of Christianity.

Anglicans Online A Canadian-based unofficial Anglican page, with links to a wide range of Anglican, Episcopalian, and Traditionalist-Anglican sites.

The Cave of Light at the Labyrinth: onward links concerning mainly Christian mysticism.

Stuart Woodward's Celtic Christianity Page, offering a way in to a number of other Celtic Christian sites around the Web (also a link to the Celtic Christian Webring).

The Coptic Orthodox Church on the web (including a link to the British Orthodox Church, in communion with Alexandria since Pentecost 1994)

Goshen offers a search engine on the Christian Web Directory, and study aids including a look-up facility for bible verses and topics, and a lexicon of Biblical Greek.

Freethought Crossroads This site is concerned with a critique of religion in general and the Christian faith in particular. I'm not convinced that it understands or does justice to liberal Christianity, but it provides a comprehensive set of links to other sceptical, atheist, and controversial sites, and to liberal and other Christian sites. (I haven't checked back for a while to see if it has altered since I first set this link.)

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