Too Many Shootings; 9/17/99

The real reason I added this section was because of the most recent senseless shooting to make the headlines. For those of you who haven't heard, on Sept. 15 a man entered a Baptist Church just outside of Dallas and killed half a dozen people. Then he took his own life. Another of his victims died in the hospital.

I can't see why so many individuals have been thinking that shooting innocent people is the answer to their problems. Since the Columbine shooting on April 20 of this year, there seems to be a new shooting every month. A man shot up the brokerage firm after killing his family, a man shot at children in a daycare center in Southern California, and we can't forget the Midwestern shooter who targeted minorities.

It seems to me that no one is safe any where any more. We try to teach our children that a church, regardless of what faith is practiced within it's walls, is safe place. Even that is not true any more. What makes the Dallas shooting all the more tragic is that there was no real motive - they were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. Should we be afraid to go to church to worship whatever God we believe in?

Society likes to think of itself as advanced because we have computers and television and all different ways to transmit information to all different people. But what good is that information when it is not learned from? How advanced can humanity really be if we continue to make the same mistakes? The Christians were persecuted by the Roman Empire, the Jews by Nazi Germany, Blacks by the KKK, and countless other examples can be made throughout history. Even dogs learn not to mess with a skunk after they have been sprayed once.

Personally, I don't see why it is so difficult for people to just accept people for who and what they are. I think that Janet Jackson said it the best at the end of her Rhythm Nation album when she "In complete darkness we are all the same, it is only our knowledge and wisdom that seperates us."

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