The Weekly Rant


Ok, I was flipping channels tonight and couldn't really find anything good on. So I turned to every couch potatoes best friend: TV Guide. As I browsed the night's line-up, I noticed that Britney Spears was going to be on Sabrina, The Teenage Witch. Personally, I generally like the show and am usually entertained with various hot-at-the-moment guest stars they invite to guest star, but tonight, I could not bring myself to watch it, for one simple reason: Britney Spears.

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against her personally as I do not even know and have never met her. But, I must also say that I have very little respect for a seventeen year old girl who decides to surgically mangle her body. Before she had the surgery she now will not even admit she had, I actually liked Ms. Spears' music and thought it was really great to see a young woman making her dreams come true. She is talented, filled with energy and determination and a relatively good-looking young woman. Her success was based on those qualities. So what if she was flat chested. Personally, I have breasts and I don't see what the big deal is about them anyway, they get in the way and make any form of running almost impossible - but that is another rant.

What made me lose my respect for the girl is that she told other young girls, the ones who looked to her as a peer who had it because she was determined and talented, that they should be happy with the bodies that they have. Then, the child turns around and gets floaties installed in her own body to resolve her own insecurities. I call her a child there because that is what she is and proved it with the decision to get her boobs done. What does that say to the thousands of young girls that looked up to her? That no matter how far your talent takes you, if your bra size isn't bigger than your IQ there's something wrong? A child will always look for the easiest solution to a problem, without looking ahead to what the consequences might. A real adult would have thought into the future, looked at the negative aspect to the decision she was making and carefully thought it through before making such a major decision. A young body that was not finished developing mangled by a child's foolish insecurities and vanity.

I would also have say how much I truly respect and admire TLC for their single "Unpretty." I'm not a real big fan of TLC, but that is a song that needed to be made! They have the right idea when it comes to self-confidence and positive self-image. Who cares if you don't look like the model in the magazine, or have the brain of Einstein and athletic skill Michael Johnson - be true to who you are! There is no one in the world to measure yourself against besides yourself. We are all unique, individuals who have to be who and what we are - NOT what the magazine editors and designers say we are or should be.

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