The Weekly Rant

Gender Equality

Well, if you live in the United States and have glanced at the sports news lately, you have probably heard about the mixed gender boxing match that took place in Seattle, Wa, on Saturday October 9. That is the reason I waited until Sunday write my rant.

It seems to me that most people thought that Margaret MacGregor wouldn't be able to beat her male contender, Loi Chow. I think we all learned a lot about the capabilities of a woman. She was steadily agressive throughout and the fight and even threw the first punch! Personally, I wonder if maybe she visualized her ex-husband, whom she left after he hit her, rather than Chow. In any case, MacGregor won the fight and the hearts of her fans. It wasn't just a man and woman competing in that ring, it was two equally matched contenders, fighters, who had the same goal in mind, and only one could win.

Of course, all the hoopla surrounding the fight only reaffirmed by believe in a very simply philosophy: There is only one true ability that seperates men and women and that is the ability to give birth. I have always believed that a woman should be able to try something, anything, she thinks she could do. If she has trained for it and has the needed skill, why shouldn't she able to? Because she lacks the upper body strength? If a woman chooses to build up her upper body she can -- and I have seen many do it. If it was simply a matter of strength, do you think there would be any high school girls on their schools' football teams?

I think that the moral of the story here is that if a woman wants to she can do anything a man can do. Essentially, the male and female body are designed the same with basically all the same capacities. All a woman needs is a chance to prove herself.

Don't underestimate today's woman because of stereotypes that have been handed down through thte genereations. If you want the truth, go back through history and read about the all the female settlers of the United States who had to be as strong as men. If the husband couldn't cut the firewood, who do you think? Teenage sons weren't exactly mail order gifts back then. And who helped in the fields? You guessed, women. Not all women had servants to attend them, in fact the majority had no idea what it was like to have a day off unless she was sick.

The historical view of the female role has been distorted and almost forgotten by most historians who prefer to focus only on the prominent, and wealthy, historical contributors. The average man and woman do as much to affect history as any of those big wigs who get all the credit.

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