The Weekly Rant

Auctioning Eggs

I have been waiting for piece of news that was worthy a good ranting, and I believe I have found it. It seems that some person (as I restrain the adjectives I want to use) is auctioning off the eggs of supermodels. Granted, this is not as important as most of the headlines out there, but I thought this was so superficial and idiotic that it deserved a good rant.

I have a thousand things I can say about this. But, I will stick with the most obvious arguments. First of all, let's look at the egos of those who would actually want to be the winning bidder in this auction. Some people have said that it is great for those people who can't have children. Well, excuse me if that sounds rude, but when you look at all the horrible things that are going on in this world and the children doing some of them, maybe it's better that some people don't have children. A lot of the parents out there now barely have enough time to spend with their kids. My belief in God tells me that everything happens for a reason, and maybe some people just shouldn't have kids.

Another thing I have heard about this is that some people want to have pretty kids. What does that say about our society? Pretty people have things easier, which is not right to begin with, but to think people will genetically engineer their kids to be pretty is just low. Where is the joy for the mother to look into her child's face and see her eyes looking back, or her nose, or her smile. That can't happen when it's half your husband and half some cover model who was hoping the surgery scars wouldn't show. Which brings us to a point I haven't heard addressed very often: Do you get to watch the surgery, to make sure you get the egg from the supermodel and not some troll-like hand model? Where's the guarantee? I want to read the fine print.

Lastly, we seem to be forgetting the most obviously wrong thing about this whole scam - supermodels are really freaks of nature! I know that sounds mean, but it's true. I have nothing against them personally, but look at the women walking down the street - they aren't 5'10" and fence post thin (whether from excercise, high metabolism or eating disorder). I have heard so many interviews of models talking about being teased as kids for being too tall, too thin, too gawky. As a society, we have taken these people who DON'T look like everyone else and put them on a pedistal and called them the ideal of beauty. No wonder so many young girls end up with poor self-esteem.

We need to start making a conscious effort to like ourselves for and what we are, not what the magazines, the movies and good old television tells us we should be. So what if you're not as thin as Rebecca Romjin-Stamos or as buffed as Mark Wahlberg - as long as you are healthy and happy with yourself, that's all that matters. Personally, we need to start reminding ourselves and the kids that are looking for role models that we are all different and beautiful and good at something. We don't have to be good at everything. Let's be happy with what we are.

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