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Beauvoir Biography

Biography: Simone de Beauvoir

1908: Born January 9 in Paris.
1913: Began school at Cours Desir.
1925: Studied literature at Garric Institute Sainte Nary Neully and math at Catholic Institute in Paris.
1917: Met Elizabeth (Zaza) Mabille, in October.
1929: Graduated from Sorbonne where she met Jean-Paul Sartre.
1931-1943: Taught high school.
1943: She Came to Stay (trans. 1949).
1944: The Blood of Others (trans. 1948).
1948: The Ethics of Ambiguity.
1949: The Second Sex (trans. 1953).
1954: The Mandarins (trans. 1956).
1958: Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter (trans. 1959).
1960: The Prime of Life, an autobiography.
1963: The Force of Circumstance, autobiography.
1970: The Coming of Age (trans. 1973).
1972: All Said & Done (trans. 1974).
1981: Adieux: A Farewell to Sartre (trans. 1984).
1980: Life-long companion Jean-Paul Sartre dies.
1986: Died.

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