
Simone De Beauvoir -- Iris Murdoch -- Ayn Rand -- Simone Weil

Simone De Beauvoir

1. De Beauvoir, Simone. Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter (New York: Harpers & Row, 1958) 246.

2. De Beauvoir, Simone. The Ethics of Ambiguity (New York: The Citadel Press, 1948) 67.

3. Memoirs, 109.

4. Ethics, 137.

7. Schwarzer, Alice. After the Second Sex: Conversations With Simone De Beauvoir (New York: Pantheon Books, 1983) 19.

8. Schwarzer, 73.

9. Schwarzer, 77.

10. Schwarzer, 85.

11. Schwarzer, 120.

12. Schwarzer, 24.

13. Memoirs, 232.

14. Ethics, 33.

15. Memoirs, .

16. Ethics, 8.

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Iris Murdoch

1. Iris Murdoch, The Sovereignty of the Good (New York: Schlocken Books, 1971) 1.

2. Murdoch, 2.

3. Murdoch, 5.

4. Murdoch, 28.

5. Murdoch, 21.

6. Murdoch, 28.

7. Murdoch, 28.

8. Murdoch, 2.

9. Murdoch, 8.

10. Murdoch, 21.

11. Murdoch, 31.



14. Iris Murdoch, Metaphysics As a Guide to Morals (New York: Penguin Books, 1992) 166.

15. Metaphysics, 153.

16. Metaphysics, 166.

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Ayn Rand

1. Dr. Allan Gotthelf, The Ayn Rand Society, Favorite Quotes,(, February 3rd, 1998.

2. web

3. Ayn Rand, Philosophy Who Needs It, (New York: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc., 1982) 72.

4. web

5. ????

6. ????

7. Rand, 28.

8. Rand, 6.

9. Rand, 90.

10. Rand, 88.

11. Rand, 90.

12. Rand, 57.

13. Rand, 76.

14. Upon doing research, no references to soul were found.

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Simone Weil

1. Simone Weil, Lectures on Philosophy, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1978), 194.

2. Weil, 195.

3. Weil, 38.

4. Weil, 57.

5. Weil, 63.

6. Weil, 66.

7. Weil, 59.

8. Weil, 90.

9. Weil, 178.

10. Weil, 168.

11. Weil, 82.

12. Weil, 101.

13. Weil, 101.

14. Weil, 100.

15. Weil, 193.

16. Weil, 99.

17. Weil, 58.

18. Weil, 98.

19. Weil, 73.

20. Weil, 30.

21. Simone Weil, The Need for Roots: Prelude to a Declaration of Duties Towards Mankind, (New York: Routledge & Kegan Paul Inc. in association with Methuen Inc., 1987) 7.

22. Weil, Roots, 4.

23. Weil, Roots, 9.

24. Weil, Roots, 12.

25. Weil, Roots, 13.

26. Weil, Roots, 14.

27. Weil, Roots, 15.

28. Weil, Roots, 15.

29. Weil, Roots, 18.

30. Weil, Roots, 19.

31. Weil, Roots, 20.

32. Weil, Roots, 22.

33. Weil, Roots, 32.

34. Weil, Roots, 32.

35. Weil, Roots, 33.

36. Weil, Roots, 34.

37. Weil, Roots, 35.

38. Weil, Lectures, 91.

39. Weil, Lectures, 39.

40. Weil, Lectures, 165.

41. Weil, Lectures, 178.

42. Weil, Lectures, 175.

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