Hamutal's Photography Page

Here are some photographs from my latest trip to London, in May 2001.

This was my Bed & Breakfast, at North Harrow.

These two pictures are of a man who's playing Sherlock Holmes, advertising the Sherlock Holmes Musem.

And these pictures are from the Sherlock Holmes Museum itself. The first is of the policeman (real? phony?) in the entrance and the second is of a scene from one of Doyle's books.

And this is how the underground walls at the Baker Street station are decorated.

This is just one of the beautiful buildings I saw at Oxford.

At Oxford, I was lucky to see the beautiful sight of these swans with their young ones.

And here is a human young one, resting from playing cricket on one of the beautiful lawns of Oxford.

On the day before last, I went to the Globe Theatre to watch a performance of King Lear. This is what the theatre looks like nowadays.

And here's one of the Thames at night, taken right outside the Globe.

These are some of the funky buildings you can see in Camden.

Just a beautiful building I saw on my way to nowhere in particular.

But my favorite subject is people. The first photo was taken outside the Globe. The other three are from Regent's Park.

To view photographs from my trip to the Netherlands in May 1999, click here.

For more of my photography, go to my page at Bama Hadasha.

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