by Spyro
I believe
Billions of people
All over the world are laughing
Laughing at our Judeo-Christian Millennium apocalypse obsessed asses
I believe there will be famine and war and pestilence 
Because there's ALWAYS been famine and war and pestilence
Why should this year be any different?
I believe the economy will collapse
Because millions of people will panic and make rash financial decisions
And this, as before, has nothing to do with technology
It has to do with very bad planning
And I'll be on the stock market floor screaming 
I believe our food supplies will rot in our darkened fridges 
And we will finally see that CHEMICAL PRESERVATIVES weren't that bad
I believe if the heavens fall, 
We can hide in abandoned fallout shelters 
Built to protect us from the last time that the media 
Created mass hysteria
So the manufacturers of the machines that screwed us
Could flourish on the evening news
Where do I want to go today? STRAIGHT TO HELL
I believe the incompetent that created the schematic, circuit or imbedded chip
Causing all this stupidity, 
The one who didn't have the foresight to count past 9
Was a closet zealot
Was a guilty masturbator 
Was brainwashed by The Weekly World News
He was a genius
I believe we are all afraid of a computer virus
Named to sound like a Star Wars droid
Yeah yeah Nostredaumus and Malekai and the Bible
And so what? 
Even the Enquirerer's psychics get lucky
And what if they are right, what then?
We might have to put down the game boys and pick up a book
Take our children out of the care of Barney and The Power Rangers
Back up our hard drives with ball points
We would have to do math
Yes math the system we created 
Based on the fact that we have ten fingers 
To ascertain the universe
Which I believe goes to show you how self centered we are
Because if we had 11 fingers
Things would be very different
Remember, it will not be the year 2000 in China 
And there are more of them than there are of us 
I'm going with the majority opinion on this one
We would have to admit that God was never out to punish us
We just made that up to justify our stupidity
Now you can go stock pile your canned foods if ya like 
I'm gonna be a grasshopper
That young David Carradine grasshopper
Becoming one with the catastrophe
Embracing the bedlam
Reincarnating into a Republican
Bending like the laws in the hands of a
Criminal lawyer
Maybe I'll move to Sri Lanka
Or Tibet
Or Burbank
Then again maybe not
Maybe I'll stick around to the countdown
9…watch the looting
8…watch the fires
7…watch Dick Clark get crucified
6…watch all the faces when
5…All the Hindus 
4…All the Buddhists
3…All the Pagans 
2…All the people who don't own TV's
1…Laugh at us!       
Copyright Spyro 1999


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