David Harrison Blalock
Declaration of Service

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North Carolina.  There were no English troops in this part of the state at that time and we were employed chiefly in repressing down the Tories who were numerous and very hostile.  I served my time out under one Captain Nash’s company.   Abner Nash I think, and with a Spencer Stuart as Lieutenant, and [I] was discharged by order from General Ramsay at Ramsay’s Mills in Chatham County.  I did not preserve my discharge.

The second service I engaged in was a tour of nine months. I think in the Regular Continental line.  At any event I was called a regular.  I enlisted under a Recruiting officer (his name not recollected) for the term of nine months at my usual place at Pittsboro, Chatham County, N.C. and was marched with about 150 others to the _____ at R[amsay’s] Mills where I was put under the command of a brave Captain Gholson, a small man with red hair and a Lieutenant Robinson.  I recollect Gholson better than any other officer in the whole service but General Ramsay because I served longer under him and like him better.  This company performed much detached service and mostly off on scouting excursions has had much smaller and irregular skirmishing with the Tories, has attacked British in a swamp above Georgetown

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