Gemini II

You Know You're on the 5 Year Plan If...

This page is all about stupid and hilarious things that I have and often do encounter in my life...

As a starting entry to this page, I would like all of you to read something my high school principal -Dr. Dean Olsen- censored from printing in the school paper, which I am the Co-Editor-In Chief, because it didn't cast the school in a positive light. Well, the Supreme Court of the United States said that the Internet can not be censored---too bad for Dr. Olsen. By the way, I attend Moreno Valley High School in Moreno Valley, CA (45 minutes West of Palm Springs, 1 1/2 hours East of LA). This will only mean something to people who attend Moreno Valley High School.

Top 10 Reasons You Want To Be a MoVal B.R.A.T.

Number 10::You want to be taught by a teacher who was taught here.
Number 9:: You want a school with a good science program.
Number 8:: You like buying cookies that you can break sidewalk with.
Number 7:: You look forward to "home studies".
Number 6:: You like having air-conditioning that doesn't work.
Number 5:: You like the sound of police helicopters at lunch.
Number 4:: You like having a different lunch than all of your friends.
Number 3:: You enjoy being refreshed in the morning with pepperspray.
Number 2:: You like non-digestable pepperoni.
And the NUMBER 1 reason you want to be a MoVal B.R.A.T. is... You want to impress everyone at March Mountain when you tell them what school you came from.

YOU KNOW YOU'RE ON THE 5 YEAR PLAN IF... think the State of the Union Address is where the President announces the best State in the USA. think the Persian Gulf is the last championship won by Tiger Woods. think Monica Lewinsky is the fourth member of the US Women's Skating Team. think Ted Kaczinsky is a distant relative of the Kennedy family. think a sex scandal is a Swedish operation. think Newt Gingrich is the latest discovery of the reptile world. (Actually, you wouldn't be far off!) think Picabo Street is the address of the Zinkogi Temple in Nagano.

Position Tales

A blond, brunette, and redhead were talking about the sex they had when they got pregnant 8 months ago...
Redhead: "I know I'm going to have a girl because when my husband and I had sex, I was on the bottom."
Brunette: "Well then I'm going to have a boy because when I did it with my husband, I was on the top."
Blond: "Oh my God! That means I'm going to have puppies!"

The First Family

Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea were all flying across the country on Air Force One. In the spirit of generosity, Chelsea said, "You know, I could throw $100 bill out the window and make somebody very happy." Hillary said, "Well I could throw two $50 bills out the window and make two people very happy." Bill said, "Well I could throw five $20 bills out the window and make five people very happy."
The pilot and copilot heard the whole conversation. The pilot turned to the copilot and said, "Well I could throw three people out the window and make the whole f***in' country ecstatic!"

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