What Can You Buy with $252 Million?

What Can You Buy with $252 Million?

December 13, 2000 Today was one hell of a day! I've decided to leave the political arena for this editorial and re-enter the social criticism arena again.

For those of you who don't keep up with the world of sports or haven't heard the news, Seattle's own Alex Rodriguez (shortstop for the Mariners) signed a contract with the Texas Rangers totalling $252 million. That's over a quarter of a billion dollars!!!

As I was watching CNNSI, they showed a report on this record-shattering contract deal and satirically asked, "Why is Alex Rodriguez worth $252 million?" The main concept of the story was about what someone could by with $252 million. They determined that you could by 9 F-16's, a few dozen PT Cruisers, the Chicago Cubs, Minnesota Twins, and you're only a few bucks short of the NFL Arizona Cardinals. He's going to be paid more money in this contract than the entire lineup of the Minnesota Twins this season!

So you are probably asking yourself, "Why is this one guy worth $252 million?" If you are, then I'm sorry I don't have an answer for you. I've heard many reports that this astronomical amount is due in no small part to his agent. I don't want to discredit his personal abilities but unless he can play the entire infield simultaneously, a quarter of a billion dollars seems A BIT excessive...don't ya think?!?! He is a gifted player but not worth more than the value of entire clubs.

Since watching that news story, I've wondered not only what I really could buy with $252 million, but what will Mr. Rodriguez buy his new found fortune? I sincerely hopes that he gives a VERY LARGE portion of it to various charities. I'm sure he'll give some of it to charity simply because most ballplayers do that to keep up the positive P.R. But enough about WonderBoy. What would I do with $252 million? FIRST - donate millions to my favorite charities and other non-profit organizations. They need it more than I do. I would also move my parents to the house in the location of their dreams. After I've taken care of a few family members (Family is important!), I would take all necessary money to expand my website design company. I love what I do and being wealthy wouldn't prevent me from doing what I love! Other than that, I'd have to do a lot of thinking. I'm sure I'd invest a good portion of it (to continue it's growth so I can use it for more charities and good causes).

What would you do with $252 million? Charities, stocks, a really big fish tank? Would you "spread the wealth" or keep it all for yourself? No matter what it is, believe in yourself and your ability to earn that much money by following your dreams. I certainly do and I don't plan on stopping until I die!

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