Backward Baptists

Backwards Baptists

This particular editorial is not solely intended for Southern Baptists, but for all people. I want everyone to see that such decrees violate the principals of the Constitution, democracy, freedom, and equal rights! This is not intended to offend any Southern Baptist or anyone else. Remember, this page is dedicated to the principle of the First Amendment: the freedom of speech! If you would like to voice your opinion about any topic let me know.

At the annual Convention of Southern Baptists, a decree was set forth stating that women should accept the role of a servant in their homes and be the willful "helpers" to their husbands! When I heard this, I was not really shocked. Every time the Southern Baptists hold an annual meeting, they give another speech about why this group is wrong or anti-Christ, or why this political leader is defying the will of God Almighty, or why they are the only people in the world with a correct point of view.

From what I have seen and the words put forth by the Southern Baptists, I can tell that they are not only opposed to change, but also afraid of it. The only constant that exists in this entire universe made up of billions of stars, planets, forms of life, and anomolies (sp?) is change. Nothing ever stays the same for ever. The Baptists must realize that! Their basis for the decree is that this has been the way marriages have been for the last 2000 years and that was God's will. Well, one of the arguments used by the slave traders and owners, past and present Nazi's, and dictators is that God's will has placed the white man above all others because Adam was white and they have ruled the world for the Southern Baptists uphold this Biblical claim as well. Slavery and animal sacrifice was practiced in Biblical the Southern Baptists uphold this Biblical claim? Jesus was a member of God's chosen people (the Jews) so why don't they all convert to Judaism? Isn't it odd that the majority of the Southern Baptist Convention is male? Hmmm....I wonder if that had anything to do with it.

My point is that the Southern Baptists need to change with the times. Women are equal and deserve equal treatment. They are no more of a lower human being than a man is to a women. Keep up with equality.

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