Dating and Relationships

"Dating and Relationships"

1-28-98I know the topic of this particular editorial sounds like something out of a corny teenage-magazine, but that is the whole point.

While hanging out (is that still a popular term?) at a friends house, she wanted to show me some tarot cards she got in YM� Magazine and she wanted to tell me my future. I said sure, because it was something to do. NEwayz, after the cards were unbelievably wrong, she went on to other parts of the magazine and one section in particular interested me. There was an article about what a guy would do if his girlfriend cheated on him. Some of them said that they would leave the relationship because he could not trust her anymore. Others said that with the right form of "persuasion", he would have her back. While others said that they could talk about it and find out the cause of the whole fiasco.

Crap like that gives people the wrong impression about guys. Girls do not like having guys generalize about them or saying that they are all the same. So why should they do it about us? The article even said that most guys act this way or that way and my friends brother even said that was true of most guys. But what about they guys who aren't idiots? What about the guys who really care? who want things to work out? who are sensitive? What about them? Basically, they are left out and ignored except in crappy romance novels, because they are not the average guy. Does that seem fair to you?

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