Do We Live In A Great Time or What?

"Do We Live In A Great Time or What?!?!"

1-23-98This year has turned out to be pretty damn cool so far. Ted Kaczinsky has caused legal havoc with his lawyers and taxpayer dollars; the President of the United States of America, Leader of the Free World and Defender of Democracy has been charged with sexual harrassment and may face perjury and obstruction of justice charges. The parents of Jon Ben�y Ramsey have yet to be arrested for the murder of their daughter (in my opinion), and people are ready to blame the Internet for suicides, murders, and a dozen other crimes. But it isn't all bad...there are some good things that have happened recently too. The Presidents of the United States of America has broken up, Terry Nichols has been proven guilty of assisting Timothy McVeigh in killing over 160 people in the Oklahoma City bombing, and John Bobbit has gotten a job as a greeter at a whorehouse. But perhaps the most noteable event, is the Pope's visit to Communist Cuba!

Let's first discuss the Ted Kaczinsky case. He refuses to plead guilty, then refuses to cooperate with his team of defense lawyers, tries to hang himself, wants to defend himself, then passes a psychological screening which proved he was mentally competant of standing trial but is now a diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic. And at the conclusion of the Greatest Show on Earth, he pleads guilty to all 13 charges and will be put in prison for a life sentence with no possibility of parole. Whew! What a fiasco! The guy is a total phreakin' loon and they are going to put him in with the violent nuts in the slammer. He has an estimated IQ of 160-180 which nearly qualifies him as a genius and they are going to lock him up with the idiots with knives??? Someone will die in that prison because of him and that won't look pretty on his record. But oh well! You live by the sword--you die by the sword.


On to President Clinton. I believe he is innocent of the charges brought against him and I also believe that he has done a better job than the moronic teenagers I know give him credit for. They just listen to their critical parents and repeat it. Anywayz, the source of this whole tax-dollar fiasco is the bimbos who are making up these elaborate and disastrous lies. They are either doing it for money, which is coming from who knows where...or they are trying to be famous overnight. Either way, they have succeeded. Even if they are proven to have lied, cheated and schemed, all they have to do is write a book and they are rich! But it would certainly be interesting if I were wrong and he was convicted of the crimes of perjury and obstruction of justice. Despite popular belief, I can admit that I can be and sometimes are WRONG. But that is not the point. One of the titles the President holds is Chief Citizen. It is another title like Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. Can you imagine what it would do to this country if the Chief Citizen were going around breaking laws whenever it was convienent? What kind of an example would that leave for the citizens? He is also the Chief Diplomat. Would he be the one you want to represent your feelings and wishes to other countries? Not me! If he is convicted, that means he IS GUILTY, he would have to immediately leave office. We can't have a felon as President.

And now for an unprecedent in American history (yeah right!). The rich people of America being able to pay their way out of jail! The parents of Jon Ben�y Ramsey (my apologies if the name is spelled wrong) have yet to be arrested for the murder of their own daughter. She was killed over a year ago and most of the evidence found points to them, so why have they not been arrested? Because they are paying so many people off that no one wants to stop the flow of money! And that's all I have to say 'bout that.

And the morons using the Internet as a scapegoat for the idiots who live in our society are just panicing frightened cowards of technology that challenges their primitive functioning brains! A 15 year old kid found a website with 101 ways to commit suicide, so he laid down in front of a train and was killed. People instantly blamed it on the Internet site he found! If he wanted to kill himself, he could have done it a lot easier without the 'Net. So in essence, the website kept him alive a little longer because he had to take the time to read it.

We are all glad that the band "The Presidents of the United States of America" broke up. They were a sorry immature band that had public fling and left.

As for the negative things, Terry Nichols deserves to die for what he did, but he won't. He will be sentenced to prison for life and then he will regret his actions for a long, long, long time. Timothy McVeigh should be tortured to death, but our wonderful Constitution does not allow that...DARN!

Who cares about John Bobbit anymore? It is kind of interesting that he is going to work at a whorehouse now...

But the most noteworthy event of the year so far is the Pope's visit to Cuba. The leader of the Catholic religion meets the last Communist in the world. What I would have done to have been there! I'm still pretty pissed that the media cared more about the President's legal problems than the Pope! I'm not a Catholic so I'm not a big fan of the Pope, but this is a huge news making event. I'm now convinced that we Americans are self-centered. Both the Pope and President Castro criticized America and its embargo against Cuba. But they also talked about politics, economic policy, and a variety of other topics. I'm just thankful that I was alive while this meeting took place.

If you can think of any other events which I should mention, or you would like to provide your comments on one of the topics above or a topic I have forgotten, go ahead and e-mail me.

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