"The Partisan Impeachment of Bill Clinton"

12-19-98On December 19, 1998 in the city of Washington D.C. in the United States of America, two Articles of Impeachment were PASSED by the United States House of Representatives, therefore impeaching the first elected President in American history.

I've grown up listening to the recollections of the generations before me of the Nixon events. And I've always had a small sense of what America went through during that time. I thought it must have been tough to hear that the "most powerful man in the world" committed felony crimes in his own country against his own people. But I never really thought the country would have to go through that again. I was wrong.

However, even though I was wrong, the situation is different this time. During the Nixon events, the President committed undeniable felony crimes and admitted to doing so. But in the case of President William Jefferson "Bill" Clinton, no one could prove he committed any crimes. We know, and he admitted, that he had multiple sexual encounters with Monica Lewinsky and we know that he lied to his staff, the American public, and his family. But did he commit any crimes? We may never know.

Today, the House of Representatives was the organization that committed crimes. Not crimes against the law, but crimes against the people. They became elected dictators. The men and women of the House refused to listen to their constituents and acted out of "party pride" and a need for vengeance. According to the Constitution and the men that wrote it, what they have done is justification for impeachment because the act of impeachment is to remove an elected tyrant. There are approximately 218 elected tyrants (the number of Republicans in the House minus the 10 that had the courage to stand for fairness and the honor of the Constitution) that should be impeached.

Once the newly elected Senate comes together on January 6, 1999, a trial will begin in which the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court and the 100 members of the United States Senate will put the President on trial to see if he can legally be removed from office. Remember, just because the House impeached him does not mean he is no longer the President. That is a decision made by the Senate.

What the Republican caucus in the House of Representatives has done today is purely wrong! They could not prove he committed any crime listed in the four Articles of Impeachment (two of which failed) but he was impeached anyway. Kenneth Starr will be remembered as the ignition of the fire and the man that ruined, I MEAN RUINED the United States government. His evil witchhunt has thrown the American people and its Constitution into a hellish fire and claimed his actions to be "what he was selected to do". However, justice may be at hand for Kenneth Starr. The American Bar Association is now attempting to REVOKE his license as a lawyer and CENSURE him for his illegal actions! Perhaps some form of retribution can be made on behalf of the American people.

I wish I had the energy to write everything I felt about this horrible tragedy and sobering day in American history. Unfortunately, that would be longer than the billions of pages of paper wasted on printing the Starr Report and I can't do that. There is much more to this story and if you want to discuss any of it with me my e-mail address is [email protected]. However, before you send me mail, please make sure you have an IQ higher than 2 and a significant point! Thanks.

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