Is Life Worth The Trouble?

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"Is Life Worth The Trouble?"

12-7-97 Recently, a friend asked me, "What is life and is it worth taxes and death?" I thought that it was a somewhat profound, yet commonly asked question, so I decided to address it here.


Think about this for a moment, if you didn't live, you wouldn't know about taxes or death, or love, or hate, or friends, or sex, or pets, or computers, or family, or anything you might enjoy about life.

Life is a gift which is, NOT the greatest, but definately a gift to behold. It is the largest opportunity you will ever receive because any other that you get between birth and death would not have been possible without the gift of life. Life is all about opportunities and how you manage them. If you take all the risks and utilize every opportunity, then you have about a 50% chance of success. However, if you avoid every opportunity, then you will certainly be doomed to failure. Think how much worse it is not to be able to utilize the opportunities.

I personally feel that life is good. Use it to its limits everyday and live everyday to the fullest because it might nust be your never know.

Part II

3-30-98The time to write an editorial is now. Actually, it's ALWAYS but I can not spend every second of my time writing my opinion because their aren't enough hours in a day!

This editorial is about the importance, purpose, and meaning of life. Sound like an interesting topic? I think so. Why do we live? What is the purpose of our life and the actions Why do we do anything?

The only answer I can give that I know is 100% fact is "I don't know." For me to claim that I know the answer to any of those questions would be absurd and self-righteous. But I can take guesses and give my opinion. This opinion I am going to give has been in my head, growing and developing for many months. My answer is this--life has no purpose, meaning, or importance. We, as individuals, human beings, soceities, and the human race have absolutely no purpose at all. We are insignifigant. If you really think about what I am saying with an open mind and with a logical understanding, you should agree with me. What does it matter what happens if we all die? Nothing. If the Earth were to explode tomorrow it would have no noticeable effect on the entire universe. (For those of you who don't know, the universe goes WAY, WAY, UNBELIEVEABLY WAY beyond our puny solar system.) Society constantly tells us that each of us is important because we contribute to eachother. Well, do you know of a poor farmer in Italy who lived in the 13th century named Antonio? I don't. If he is so important, why don't we know about him? We don't know about him because he wasn't as important as we are led to believe. When the end of the world comes (the sun goes SUPERNOVA and becomes a blackhole, sucking the entire solar system into itself), our lives will have meant nothing! Am I wrong?

Our lives may have meant something to our friends and family, or even had a huge impact on society. You may have invented a laser that cures everything or a toilet seat that "cleans up after you", but when it comes right down to it, it means nothing. Every life form on Earth could die, but it would mean nothing because who would care? Aliens who land here 100 years later won't even know we existed. There certainly won't be any people around to notice because they are all dead. So please, tell me, what does life mean? It means we are as important as microbes on an ant hill in Africa.

I am not depressed at this moment, nor am I about to commit suicide. I am simply stating a fact. Deny it if you want, but it is true. The only thing we can do is live for us. Live to please yourself and live in the moment. When it comes down to it, who cares what everyone else thinks? You are you. They are they. Carpe diem! (Seize the day!)

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