The Limitations Society Forces Upon Its Members

The Limits Society Forces Upon Its Members

3-18-98While sitting on one of the most popular thinking places in the world (take a guess where that is), a thought occurred to me. Humanity would be eons farther than it currently is if society did not ridicule and place limits on the creative minds it claims to nurture. Think about it....How far could we be if the human imagination were allowed free reign?

To illustrate my point, I can and will site examples of creative geniuses which were limited by the societies in which they were forced to live. Leonardo Da Vinci, perhaps one of the most creative minds of the Renasainnce (spelling?) period was literally laughed at by the Italians of his time. They thought that a flying machine was absurd and that his art was insane. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s ideas of equal rights was violently opposed by Southerners. Atomic fusion was believed to be impossible until it finally happened in the 1940's. The notion that women might have an equal if not stronger brain than men was unheard of until only a few decades ago. But every one of these crazy ideas are now common in todays society. So my question is this--If society were more accepting of the imagination and it's fantastic and miraculous conceptions, where would we be now?

I am a Gemini. Therefore, my ideas come in pairs...balanced (in a sense). Of course, that could be because I know there is a balance in everything natural so for every "good" thing, there is an equal "bad" thing. Creative genius is not always productive of societal advances. Have you ever wondered why many teachers don't like having genius children in their classes. It's because the truly smart people are the one's the world should fear. These geniuses realize that society and all of those people which make it up and conform to it are mediocre. They know that those members of average society are like ants supplying the only things which keep them alive...themselves. They lack the creative powers to make themselves different. In most cases, this realization is very tempting. It can cause the advanced mind to want to destroy these ants. The UNABOMBER, Ted Kaczinsky, has an IQ of approximately 180. That is tremendous considering that anything over 140 is considered "gifted" intelligence. People like that can't stand to exist in average society. They have to escape to survive. His actions were his form of rebellion against a primitive society. In nature, destruction is required for continuous and evolutionary survival. So, even minds like his, must be allowed to blossom and produce it's creations.

Society is a primitive tool to comfort it's members to believing that they are acceptable and not "weird". But geniuses, whether they are in the form of Ted Kaczinsky or Leonardo Da Vinci, can not be a part of society because they don't want to fit in with such average people. Why is being different such a crime?

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