"The Theft of The Stone of Scone"

I have always had the dream of being the worlds most successful criminal. The man who they make a movie called the "The Jackal" about and the government can't prove exists is who I want to be. I want to charge people huge astronomical amounts for my services and then deliver as promised. Well, I have also conjured up, out of the back of my over-active imagination, the ultimate crime...

I am of a mix of Caucasion decents one of which is Scottish. I take great pride in my Scottish decent, much more than my English or German decent for reasons I won't go into now because it is not important. However, the Scottish heritage is very important to the crime.

The ultimate crime would be to steal The Stone of Scone. For those of you who have no idea what I am talking about, The Stone of Scone is the Stone which, according to legend, keeps the proud nation of Scotland under harsh English rule. The legend says that as long as The Stone of Scone is kept, literally, under the Throne of England, Scotland will forever be a part of England. I personally, hate the fact that Scotland is run by a very snobbish, arrogant government. I believe the Scottish people are very different from the English, culturally, religiously, and politically. If they were given the opportunity to be free and have their own government, they would thrive as a prosperous society.

Can you imagine the difficulty in the planning, execution, and success of that crime?!?! I would have to get through all of the English security to get to the throne room, then proceed to reach the throne itself, reach under and grab The Stone and walk out of the castle with a huge rock in my hand. Piece of cake!

If the people of Scotland were to be liberated from tyrannical rule one day in my life, I could die an extremely happy man. According to English legend, if the stone were removed from underneath the seat of English power, Scotland could be free. I wonder what the English response would be to my demand after The Stone was stolen. Oh yeah--I haven't told you my demand yet. But I'm sure you have guessed by now. I would demand the unconditional release of the Scottish people and all those of Scottish ancestry from English rule. It would be a type of haven for Scots all around the world, much like Israel is to the Jews.

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