Gemini II

Letters to the Editor

Hello everyone. This page is entirely devoted to e-mails or comments that I receive concerning the content of my Web Site. If you would like to send me one, positive or negative, send it to [email protected]. Thank you.

I received this e-mail from "Jackal" at on 30 November 1997. Jackal is a very deep and methodical thinker who has an excellent website. The site is featured on the HomePage.

Hello Gemini~

I visit your page every week or so, and I am interested in some of the ideas you write about. I wonder where you plan on taking your views and visions? You would make an excellent investigator or reporter of 'real news'.

You are right when you say we are similar. When I was in High School about 427 years ago, *smiles*, there was a Peace Rally that thousands of people attended at the Washington Memorial Square in Washington DC. Though the visitors numbered in the thousands, and the whole gathering was peaceful and meant to inspire humanity, it was not covered by a single tv news source. The only reason I heard about it, is because a couple of Radio programs mentioned it...

When I brought this up to my Current Events teacher, he shrugged. "Peace gatherings are not news. They don't bring in advertisers and money. At least you heard about it."

I was a speechless for a few minutes. 'So', my young mind considered, 'peace is not important,according to my instructor.' What a powerful position he could have had in my life, at that time. Peace is not important. Meaning...War, is...

*sighs*...Pardon my rambling, but I just wanted to share this little thought with you.

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(not much of a peace sign, but...)

Your Friend,

I received this letter from [email protected] on 31 January 1998.

1."One of the titles the President holds is Chief Citizen. It is another title like Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. Can you imagine what it would do to this country if the Chief Citizen were going around breaking laws whenever it was convienent? What kind of an example would that leave for the citizens? He is also the Chief Diplomat. Would he be the one you want to represent your feelings and wishes to other countries? Not me! If he is convicted, that means he IS GUILTY, he would have to immediately leave office. We can't have a felon as President."
-i feel that it is not our responisbility to know what goes on in the doors of the white house. this shoodnt have become public knowledge and it shood have staid in the depths of the media. it duz not matter what the president or any hi-statured person does behind closed doors, thats for them to know and for whoever else is there to know. if this did happen, then it shood be brought to trial (if it even has to go to trial to waste more taxpayers money) after the president has ended his term. this is a sign of respect and dignity to the president and this shood be observed. and even if he is guily....does anybody really care?? its just another overhyped media situation becuz nothing else deemed good enough for television ratings. if the most powerful man in the entire world wants to have an affair or anything of the all means let him do so. he is running the country and becuz of that the country is prospering greatly. it is not up to the american people to judge what morals the president has. this same incident occured while he was gov in arkansas and he also was involved in a sour $40,000 land deal that went sour into a $40,000,000 investigation led by sum crak-hed republican politican. and even with this on his shoulders, he was still elected president for two terms by the american he must be doing sumthing rite. and what laws prohibit a man from having a scam or affair or whatever it is on his wife or viceversa??

2. "...Timothy McVeigh should be tortured to death, but our wonderful Constitution does not allow that..."
-people are still killed by firing squad and hanged in sum states across the country. (food for thought)

3."I'm not a Catholic so I'm not a big fan of the Pope, but this is a huge news making event. I'm now convinced that we Americans are self-centered. Both the Pope and President Castro criticized America and its embargo against Cuba."
-the reason y this wasnt as news breaking as u woodve hoped was becuz the MEDIA was absorbed with this 'Clinton Scandal" and they felt the peering into the president's personal life was the important news to cover. this duz not make americans self-centered (thougt at times we can be) but it just creates a stereotype of americans becuz the media didnot cover the event and so that makes the american people appear to be self-centered. i criticize the pope and prez catro for their criticizing america. who r they to speak about us. granted the pope is a well-respected man if not the most respected religous figure in the world (human wize) but granted there is more to discuss than bashing the united states for not covering his arrival to cuba. it wood be one thing if the pope was traveling to the united states but the traveling to cuba is like traveling to tunisia or somalia or sum other 3rd world country that the pope has probably never been to. it is a historic moment for the citezens of that country but that duznt mean it is a world event and shood be rejoiced around the world. and concerning the embargo the us has against cuba...if some country 90 miles off of ur coast threatened to launch nuke missles at u im sure u wood have an embargo on them too. thats one way to start an embargo. (granted im probably wrong about the embargo seeing that i probably dont know how it started in the first place, but this is my opinion and that shood be accepted as just that)

I received the following letter on 14 February 1998 from Mr. David Greenberg:

I visited your page today. Gemini, it's really a remarkable piece of work. Ahhhhh ..the clarity of youth! For the record, though, many of us adults don't see kids as contemptuously as you sometimes relate. Many of us see guys like you as the real hope of humanity. You have a conscience...a devotion to what you perceive as just (I don't always agree with you, but you are true to purpose and I respect that element of you).

It's wonderful how you mix the sardonic with the humorous. I'd like to see something more, however; how about a series on what you see as "good in the world" or "what's right with mankind"? You're correct when you see the things that are abhorrent, but you should balance it with the sublime. It's really out there if you look....

It's out there, look for it ...breathe it into your soul it to others on your page.


Well, I have received another letter to the editor today (6-24-98). I truly enjoyed reading this one because it opposes what I believe in. Isaac is not a Baptist, but an advent Christian and has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to both the Bible and the Christian Bible (New Testament).

Gemini II,
Okay two things.... One: In paragraph three you said the only thing constant is change well while that is true I would also say God is also constant. Am I right?
Two: You have to remember where the Baptists are coming from. They are also reading from the Old Testament and New Testament in the Bible. The Bible was written for all centuries and times not just the times for when it was written. The Ten Commandments still are a good set of morals for today's society and we don't disregard (For the most part anyways) those just because they were written a long time ago. While times have changed and women are playing a more prominent(sp?) role in society they still can be the "helper" as God that is what God made for. In Genesis 2:18 it says, "The Lord God said, 'It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." That was the original reason woman were created. Paul in the New Testament in 1 Timothy 2:11-15 talks about how a woman is to learn in submission and quietness, and are not to have authority over a man. Now do they just totally disregard that? No of course not. Just because it was written in a different time and place doesn't mean it is still not for today. While I do not agree with all of the Baptist teaching and doctrine, they aren't saying that husbands can beat women, or cuss them out or call them names, the Bible in fact tells us to do the exact opposite and uplift them and honor them. I think what the Baptists were trying to accomplish through their annual meeting and this subject is that the man is to wear the pants in a family. He is in charge and makes final decisions, not to say that the wife cannot put in her input and opinion but the husband has the final say. Think about it...

January 15, 2001 I received this e-mail from James Hardee on 22 December 2000. Please keep in mind that after my reply, he wrote me back saying that he did not intend to portray that he supports the Aryan Nation. (I may end up writing an editorial about this soon.)

If you dont like The Aryan Nation then tell me why Blacks can have a Miss Black America contest and it would be considered racist for Whites to have a White only contest of any kind!!!!!!! please e-mail me back with some kind of answer!
My reply:
Mr. James Hardee,

You are absolutely correct - I HAVE A HUGE PROBLEM (putting it mildly) with the Aryan Nation and ALL other racial superiority based groups. And to answer your question/statement, I also have a problem with things like Miss Black America, Affirmative Action, and schools that allow things like a Black Student Union but not a White Student Union. Those types of contests, groups, and policies are no less racist than the Aryan Nations.

Here's why I fight the Aryan Nations more than the others: Black Student Unions don't intentionally form to "kill whitey". They form so that they have a place to feel together and not alone in this predominantly white country (our elected officials and most business leaders are all white). In my town, someone tried to start a White European Student Union and it was protested and eventually banned by the local school district. I wrote letters and made phone calls to school district and city officials saying that this racism against white people was horrific...unfortunately, the Union is still banned. There is no clause in the Affirmative Action policies to harrass and burn crosses in white-owned yards. On the other hand, I can not find a justification for a Miss Black America because it is blatently obvious racism. So, like I said above, I have a problem with contests like that.

Groups like and including the Aryan Nation are founded solely on the basis of racial superiority and the extermination/"relocation" of inferior people. Also, they usually try to add to their image of legitimacy and superiority by hiding behind a "Christian flag". This only shows ignorance because Jesus himself was Middle Eastern (not white by any means) and JEWISH! Jesus couldn't be a Christian and when white racists call themselves "true" Christians, every Christian and Catholic I know is offended. The worst part of groups like the Aryan Nation is their violent tactics. To believe that they have the right to attack or even kill people simply for being Hispanic, gay, or Jewish is abhorent and a violation of the Biblical 10 Commandments!

I hope that gave you some answer as to why I said what I said. Thank you for viewing my website and reading my opinions. I've always appreciated viewer responses, and I hope you continue to write me if you have any questions or comments.

Best Wishes,
Gemini II

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