ENGLISH MALAY (translated by Suri Hanim, with help from Asma)
Jesus Will Descend At The End Of Time

"Answers to Common Questions From New Muslims", Collected by Ali Abu Lauz [publ. by IANA] 
Taken from BeConvinced 


If Jesus (peace be upon him) is alive, shall he descend at the end of the time and judge among the people while following the religion of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)? What is the evidence for that? And how can one refute those people who claim that he will not descend nor judge among the people?  

Yes, the Prophet of Allah Jesus son of Mary (peace be upon him) will descend at the end of time and judge among the people with justice, following the Law of our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). He will break the crosses and kill the swine. HE shall put an end to the payment of the jizya. He will only accept Islam from the people.  
The People of the Book, the Jews and Christians, will all believe in him before his death, after he descends at the end of time. Allah has stated, "There is none of the People of the book but must believe in him (as only a Messenger of Allah) before his death. And on the Day of Resurrection, he (Jesus) will be a witness against them." [an-Nisa, 4:159]  

Allah has stated that all of the People of the Book, Jews and Christians, will believe in Jesus son of Mary (peace be upon him) before his death - that is, before the death of Jesus. That will be when he descends at the end of time as a judge and just caller to Islam, as shall be noted in the hadith describing his descent.  

This is the meaning of the words [in the verse quoted above]. The context of the verse is demonstrating the stance that the Jews took toward Jesus (peace be upon him) and what they conspired to do against him. It also shows the way of Allah in saving Jesus and refuting the works of his enemies. The pronouns in the phrase, "believe in him before his death" must both refer to Jesus to be consistent with the context and so that the antecedents will be the same. It is confirmed in numerous authentic hadith, that have come through numerous chains and have reached the level of mutawatir [narration that has been reported through so many chains and from so many people that there is no way to doubt its authenticity], that Allah raised Jesus to the heavens. They also state that he will descend at the end of time as a just ruler and will kill the False Messiah [Anti-Christ].  

Ibn Taimiya said, after quoting the numerous chains reporting Jesus' being raised to heaven and his descent at the end of time, "These hadith are mutawatir from the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him). They have been narrated from Abu Huraira, Ibn Mas`ud, `Uthman ibn Abu al-as, Abu Umama, al-Nawas ibn Samaan, Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-As and Hudahifah ibn Usaid (may Allah be pleased with all of them). These hadith contain indications concerning how and where he will descend."  

One of those hadith is the following: Abu Huraira reported that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: "By the One in whose hand is my soul, soon the son of Mary will descend upon you as a just judge. He will break the crosses, kill the swine and will put an end to the jizya. And wealth will spread to the extent that on one will accept it." Then Abu Huraira said, "Recite if you wish, "There is none of the People of the Book but must believe in him (as only a Messenger of Allah) before his death. And on the Day of Resurrection, he (Jesus) will be a witness against them."" [an-Nisa 4:159] [Al-Bukhari & Muslim]  

In another narration from Abu Huraira, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "How will you be when the son of Mary descends among you and your leader will be from among yourselves?" [Al-Bukhari & Muslim] It is also confirmed in the Sahih from Jabir ibn Abdullah that he heard the Prophet (peace be upon him) say, "A group of people from my Nation will continue to fight in defense of the truth and remain triumphant until the day of Judgment." He also said, "Jesus, son of Mary (peace be upon him), will descend upon them and their leader will say (to him), 'Come and lead us in prayer.' He will say, 'No, Allah has honored this Nation by putting some as leaders over others.'" [Saheeh Muslim]  

These hadith demonstrate that he will descend at the end of time and that he will judge according to the Law of our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). They also show, without doubt, that there will be a leader for this nation at that time. Furthermore, there is no contradiction between his descending and the fact that the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the seal of the prophets. This is so because Jesus will not be descending with a new law. To Allah belongs the decree, first and last. He does what He wills and rules as He wills. There is none to come after His Rule. He is the All-Mighty, All-Wise.  

- Responded by the Permanent Committee, Fataawaa Islamiya, vol.1, p.141 

Nabi Allah 'Isa a.s. Akan Turun Di Akhir Zaman 

"Jawapan Bagi Soalan-soalan Yang Biasa Ditanya Oleh Saudara Baru" Dikumpulkan oleh Ali Abu Lauz [Diterbitkan oleh IANA], Dipetik dari: Yakinilah


Jika benar Nabi Isa a.s. masih hidup, adakah dia akan turun pada akhir zaman dan mengadili umat manusia mengikut Syariat yang dibawa oleh Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.? Apakah bukti-buktinya? Dan bagaimanakah kita mahu membuktikan kesilapan dakwaan mereka yang menolak bahawa baginda akan turun atau akan mengadili manusia?   

Ya, Nabi Allah Isa a.s., anak Maryam akan turun di akhir zaman dan akan mengadili umat manusia mengikut Syariat yang dibawa oleh nabi kita Muhammad s.a.w. Baginda akan menghancurkan salib-salib, membunuh babi/khinzir(kerana Nabi Isa as mengharamkan babi kepada umatnya)..Baginda tidak akan menerima lagi jizyah (bayaran yang dibayar oleh orang kafir yang tinggal di negara Islam, kerana mereka mahu kekal dalam agama asal mereka).Dia hanya akan menerima Islam sebagai agama bagi semua orang.Firman Allah Taala yang bermaksud:"Tiada seorang pun daripada ahli Kitab (Yahudi dan Nasrani) kecuali akan beriman kepadanya (Isa) sebelum kematiannya.Dan di hari Kiamat nanti Isa itu akan menjadi saksi terhadap mereka." an-Nisa 4:159 

Allah telah menyatakan di dalam Al-Quran bahawa semua ahli Kitab iaitu Yahudi dan Nasrani, akan beriman kepada Isa bin Maryam a.s sebelum kematiannya, iaitu sebelum kematian Nabi Isa a.s. Itu hanya akan berlaku pada akhir zaman di mana dia akan diturunkan sebagai hakim yang adil dan penyeru kearah Islam, sebagaimana yang akan disebutkan dalam hadith-hadith berikut yang menceritakan akan kedatangannya itu. 

Ayat di atas juga menerangkan pendirian sebenar golongan Yahudi terhadap Nabi Isa a.s dan konspirasi jahat mereka terhadapnya. Ia juga menunjukkan bagaimana Allah menyelamatkan Nabi Isa a.s dan menggagalkan segala tipudaya musuh-musuhnya.Kedua-dua gantinama di dalam ayat di atas i.e. 'beriman kepada'nya' sebelum kematian'nya' adalah merujuk kepada Nabi Isa a.s seperti yang diterangkan dalam ayat-ayat yang sebelumnya.Hadis-hadis sahih yang mutawatir (hadis yang diriwayatkan dalam berbilang sanad, oleh bilangan perawi yang ramai  sehingga kesahihannya tidak dapat disangkal lagi) membuktikan bahawa Allah telah mengangkat Nabi Isa a.s ke Syurga. Mereka juga menyebut bahawa Nabi Isa a.s akan turun pada akhir zaman sebagai hakim yang adil dan akan membunuh mereka yang menentang ajarannya (Anti-'Isa). 

Ibnu Taimiyah berkata-selepas menyebut beberapa sanad hadith yang mengatakan bahawa Nabi Isa a.s telah diangkat ke Syurga dan akan diturunkan pada akhir zaman-, " Hadith-hadith ini adalah mutawatir daripada Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.  Ia telah diriwayatkan dari Abu Hurairah,Ibnu Mas'ud,'Uthman ibn Abu Al-As, Abu Umama, Al-Nawas ibn Samaan, Abdullah ibn Amr ibn Al-As, dan Hudahifah ibn Usaid r.a. Hadith-hadith ini juga menerangkan tanda-tanda bagaimana dan dimana Nabi Isa a.s akan diturunkan. 

Antaranya,dari Abu Hurairah r.a berkata bahawa Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda:" Demi Allah yang jiwaku ditanganNya, sesungguhnya telah dekat masanya Isa anak Maryam akan turun ditengah-tengah kamu sebagai hakim yang adil. Dia akan menghancurkan salib-salib, membunuh babi/khinzir dan mengharamkan jizyah. Dan kekayaan akan melimpah ruah sehingga tiada seorang pun mahu menerimanya." Kemudian Abu Hurairah r.a berkata:"Jika kamu suka bacalah:"Tiada seorang pun dari Ahli Kitab, kecuali akan beriman kepadanya (Isa) sebelum kematiannya. Dan di Hari Kiamat nanti Isa itu akan menjadi saksi terhadap mereka." Surah An-Nisa' 4:159  [Sahih Bukhari & Muslim]

Dalam riwayat lain dari Abu Hurairah r.a, Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: "Bagaimanakah kamu, bila anak Maryam turun di  tengah-tengah kamu dan pemimpin kamu adalah dari kalangan kamu sendiri?" [Sahih Bukhari & Muslim]. Dalam hadith sahih yang lain, dari Jabir ibn Abdullah bahawa beliau mendengar Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda;" Akan sentiasa ada sehingga hari Kiamat segolongan umatku yang berjuang menegakkan kebenaran dan mereka pasti menang."  Sabda Rasulullah s.a.w selanjutnya," Nabi Isa a.s akan turun di tengah-tengah mereka, lalu pemimpin mereka berkata (kepada Isa a.s)," Ayuhlah engkau menjadi pemimpin dan imam solat kami." Jawab Nabi Isa a.s, "Tidak! Allah telah memuliakan umat kamu dengan menjadikan sebahagian kamu sebagai pemimpin kepada ummat yang lain." [Sahih Muslim]. 

Hadith-hadith tersebut membuktikan bahawa Nabi Isa a.s akan turun pada akhir zaman dan akan mengadili umat manusia mengikut Syariat Nabi kita Muhammad s.a.w. Ia juga menunjukkan tanpa sangsi bahawa sesunguhnya akan ada seorang imam/ketua bagi seluruh umat manusia pada masa itu. Pada masa yang sama, tiada percanggahan antara turunnya Nabi Isa a.s dan hakikat Nabi Muhammad s.a.w sebagai Rasul yang terakhir. Ini adalah kerana Nabi Isa a.s tidak membawa syariat yang baru. Segala undang-undang adalah milik Allah, awal dan akhir.Dia berkuasa melaksanakan apa yang dikehendakiNya dan memerintah mengikut iradat/kehendakNya. Tiada siapa yang boleh menolak perintahNya . Dia yang Maha Berkuasa lagi Maha Mengetahui. 

Jawapan oleh Lajnah Tetap, Fataawaa Islamiyah, Jilid 1, m/s 141

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