What is the flaming fire of being?

See it as the purification of any misqualified energy of the dual mind. See it as the neutronic core of being. See it as the burning away of that which has no lasting value, the wood, hay, and stubble, as it were.

The Flaming Fire
By Glen Cutlip

Reconcile opposites unto the threefold measure one.
Return to the core of being, the living daystar, sun.
Face the flaming fire of judgment; face it consciously.
See it as the burning away of all impuirity.

See it as a purification, making whole again.
Thereby see it as the destruction of the man of sin.
The flaming fire of judgment is a two-edged sword.
It's one reaction that determines conflict or accord.

Thus the judgment can appear either good or bad, you see.
Nothing new, things have been so, and on to infinity.
You may have been thinking judgment to be of the other.
But one way of the other, we all share it together.

If we face it not consciously, we unconsciously do.
To face the fire is to find that it will not burn you.
Reconcile opposites unto the threefold measure one.
Return to the core of being, the living daystar, sun.

Forge an everlasting identity

Identify with the All in All of Being,
the I Am of one and all,
the God Self of an infinity of many
within the One.


Let the flaming fire at the
core of being
transmute, purify
neutralize, transonify,
burn away
any misqualified energy
of the dual mind.



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